About the Journal

The main purpose  of the publication of the electronic International Scientific Journal «Formation of Competencies of Gifted Individuals in the System of Extracurricular and Higher Education»  is coverage of issues, the exchange of experience, advanced methods and a creative approach to solving current problems in the formation of the competencies of a gifted individual in the system of extracurricular - higher education; formation of competences of future specialists in various fields based on the integration of education, science and business; publication of achieved results of scientific and scientific-practical research; presentation of the latest educational and scientific projects by the best representatives of different countries of the world; formation of a professional network scientific and pedagogical, scientific and business  community; promoting the development of science and education in Ukraine and spreading their results abroad; reflecting the achieved innovations in the integration of education, science and business of Ukraine regarding the formation of highly qualified Ukrainian specialists taking into account the processes of European integration and international world experience.

 Основні проблемні питання (напрями), які розглядаються в електронному міжнародному науковому журналі: 

The main problematic issues (directions) considered in the electronic International Scientific Journal:  innovative approaches in the organization of students' research activities; psychological factors of the realization of a gifted personality; development of a gifted personality in the system of higher education; formation of giftedness of students in the extracurricular education system; the philosophy of harmonious personality development in the conditions of globalization and digitalization of the world; sociological aspects of the formation of a gifted personality; formation of competences of future specialists of various fields in the conditions of digitalization of the world; giftedness, talent, genius and ethics; multiple intelligence: from theory to practice in the conditions of globalization.

ISSN 2786-8230  online

Founder and publisher - State University «Kyiv Aviation Institute», Kyiv, Ukraine.

Organizer and executor - Educational and Scientific Institute of Education Development of State University «KAI»,  Kyiv, Ukraine

The periodicity of the release -  once a year.

Publication language: Ukrainian, English.

Current Issue

No. 3 (2024)
Published: 2024-12-18


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