About the Journal

The main purpose of publishing an electronic collection of scientific papers is coverage of inquiries, exchange of advanced techniques, creative approach to solving current problems of modern education by the best representatives of different countries; exchange of research experience in the field of education; publication of scientific results to achieve research; presentation of educational projects; formation of a professional measuring community; promoting the development of science and education in Ukraine, reflecting the achievements of innovations in education and science, taking into account international experience.

The main problematic issues considered in the scientific collection are: psychological and pedagogical principles of personality development; continuing education as a factor of professional development and self-realization of the individual; innovative technologies in the training of highly qualified specialists; improvement of pedagogical skills as a priority area of professional development; modern education and science: problems, prospects, innovations.

Frequency of issue - once a year.

Language of publication: Ukrainian, English.

Current Issue

No. 4 (2024)
Published: 2024-06-30


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