Current Issue

No. 1 (2023)

The issue is published on the approvement of the Scientific Council of the National Aviation University (Minutes № 12 of November 22, 2023)

Published: 2024-06-10


Experimental articles

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The journal is indexed in international scientometric databases:



Russian Index of Scientific Citation till 2017

ISSN 2306-6407

The editors will accept articles for publication on the following topics: Ecologization of biotechnological processes. Ecological features of bioobjects. Bioenergetics. Biodeterioration and biocorrosion. Bioremediation. Biotesting and bioindication.  Interdisciplinary research in environmental biotechnology.

The journal has such items as “Reviews”, “Experimental articles” and “Young scientist’s page”.

Articles must meet the requirements and regulations established by editors.

Frequency: Semiannual.

Editor in Chief: Mykhailo M. Baranovsky

Deputy Editor in Chief: Kateryna G. Garkava

Assistant Editor: Anna V. Drazhnikova

Contacts: 03680, Ukraine, Kiyv, Kosmonavta Komarova ave. 1, phone: (044) 406-78-87, e-mail: