About the Journal

The main purpose of the publication of the electronic International Scientific Journal «Distance Education in Ukraine: Innovative, Normative-legal, Pedagogical Aspects»  is  coverage the issues of the formation and development of distance education in the world and its use  modern information technology in educational activities, consolidation of global efforts to develop the latest educational information and communication, computer, digital technologies and teaching aids; publication of scientific and practical results of achieved research; presentation of digitization of educational processes and scientific research; implementation in Ukraine of digital educational and scientific space and achieved innovations in education and science, taking into account international experience;  formation of a professional global community.

The main problematic issues (directions) that are considered in the electronic International Scientific Journal are: the formation of distance learning and its further development; theoretical-methodological and psychological-pedagogical aspects of the formation of professional competence of students in the process of distance learning; the quality of education and digitization technologies in secondary and higher education; introduction of innovative, information-communication and computer technologies and training tools in professional education; systems of extracurricular education in conditions of distance and mixed forms of education; innovations in education and science as a force of the 21st century in the education-science-business relationship; implementation of advanced technologies of artificial intelligence in the scientific and educational process.

 ISSN 2786-5495 online

Founder and publisher - State University «Kyiv Aviation Institute», Kyiv, Ukraine.

Organizer and executor - Educational and Scientific Institute of Education Development of State University «KAI»,  Kyiv, Ukraine

The periodicity of the release - once a year.

Publication language: Ukrainian, English.

Current Issue

No. 4 (2024)
Published: 2024-08-26


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