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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • General requirements for articles in the electronic International Scientific Journal.
    Materials of articles must meet the following requirements:
    • sheet format: A4 (210 x 297)
    • document margins: 2 cm on each side;
    • font: Times New Roman, 14;
    • line spacing: one and a half (1.5);
    • one line of indentation provides: article title, abstract, article text, list of sources used. Recommended volume of the article: 6 - 12 pages;
    • send the article in the form of a computer file with the extension DOC, DOCX, designed in accordance with the specified requirements. The file name must be signed according to the surname and initials of the author(s);
    • languages of the article: Ukrainian, English

    The order of placing information in a scientific article:
    • UDC: left side, Times New Roman, 12 font (bold);
    • surname and name of the author (s): full, centered, bold;
    • ORCID (if available);
    • academic degree, academic title, position, place of work or study: centering;
    • e-mail of the author(s);
    • title of the article: capital letters, center alignment, bold;
    • annotation: width alignment, italics;
    • key words: up to 5 terms, width alignment, italics;
    • text of the article: alignment in width, paragraph - 1 cm;
    • content of the article: must meet the requirements for scientific articles;
    • figures and tables: sequentially numbered in Arabic numerals (Fig. 1; Table 1). Each figure must have a caption (below), the table - the title (above);
    • list of sources used: at the end of the article in the order of reference and are made in accordance with the generally accepted bibliographic requirements in any of the current citation formats (national SSU 8302: 2015 (State Standard of Ukraine) / ARA (American Psychological Association) / MLA (Modern Language Association) / Chicago / Harvard and etc.);
    • references to the sources used: are given in square brackets;
    • at the end of the article, which is written in Ukrainian, indicate the title of the article and information about the author in English; at the end of the article, which is written in English, indicate the title of the article and information about the author in Ukrainian.

Author Guidelines

                                                                                      Sample design of the article:                                                                                     

                                                                                          Liudmyla Lakhtionova,                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    PhD in Economics, Associate Professor,                                                                                                                                                                 Deputy Director                                                                                                                                            of the Educational and Scientific Institute for Education Development,                                                                                                                             State University «Kyiv Aviation Institute»,                                                                                                                                                                          Kyiv, Ukraine                                                                                                                                                                                         


                                                       FACILITATION OF VIRTUAL MEETINGS  ON FINANCIAL QUESTIONS


       Annotation. The essence of facilitation, its types and the secret of preparation for virtual collection are considered. The organizational issues of holding a facilitation session on financial issues are revealed on the example of professional terminology. Proposals for the preparation of the discussion and improvement of its quality…

       Key words: facilitation, terminology, finance, financial education

       Анотація. Розглянуто сутність фасилітації, її види та секрет підготовки до віртуального зібрання…

       Ключові слова: фасилітація, термінологія, фінанси, фінансова освіта.


       Introduction. In modern conditions, the need to review and rethink the conditions, forms and mechanisms of discussion and resolution of issues of the existence of the world, individual countries, and the life activities of various formations has become ripe. This especially applies to the field of professional training of financial specialists based on the new educational paradigm and the entry of Ukrainian education into the European scientific and educational space [1, p. 20].

       The aim of the article is to reveal...

       Research Results.  …. 

       Conclusions. …..


  1.   …                                             

                                                                                    Людмила Лахтіонова,                                                                                                                                                                     кандидат економічних наук, доцент,                                                                                                          заступник директора Навчально-наукового інституту розвитку освіти,                                                                                            Державний  університет «Київський авіаційний інститут                                                                                                                                                               м. Київ, Україна

                                               ФАСИЛІТАЦІЯ ВІРТУАЛЬНИХ ЗІБРАНЬ З ФІНАНСОВИХ ПИТАНЬ


Requirements for the content and structure of a scientific article:

- introduction - covers the problem in general; the relevance and expediency of the research, as well as its connection with scientific or practical problems that need to be solved and which the article is devoted to;

- analysis of previous research - a brief analysis of recent research and publications, which initiated the solution of the problem on the topic of the article and on which the author relies. The analysis should include an assessment of the current state of the problem at the global level;

- purpose - should be aimed at solving the problem mentioned in the introduction and must be consistent with the title, be clear and understandable. It is recommended to formulate clearly and specifically without the use of abstract statements and general phrases. It is desirable to identify the steps (tasks) by which the goal of the study is achieved;

- results and discussion (presentation of the main material) - the main part of the article;

- conclusions from this study - should fully and accurately reflect the results of the study, be concise, specific, contain generalizations and recommendations arising from the study, suggestions for further research. The section recommends to briefly present the prospects for further research in this area.


The review process

Only original scientific articles that have not previously been published in other publications are subject to publication in the International Scientific Journal.

The material submitted by the author must correspond to the topic of the journal and the requirements for publishing a scientific article.

The editorial board of the International Scientific Journal evaluates the scientific articles prepared and submitted to the issue for their intellectual content, regardless of the race, gender, sexual orientation, religious beliefs, ethnic origin, citizenship or political views of the author of the article (with the exception of Russian and Belarusian authors).

If the authors of the written scientific work (scientific article) used the works and/or statements of other authors, they must be properly formatted.

Publishing someone else's article as one's own, copying or paraphrasing a significant part of someone else's text (without indicating authorship), appropriating the results of research conducted by others is considered unethical behavior and is unacceptable.

Each submitted scientific article undergoes a process of double «blind review» and a check for plagiarism

The review of the article takes place transparently and according to clearly defined requirements for all authors of scientific articles, which are outlined above.  

Special programs are used to check for plagiarism.

After positive reviews and publication of the article, every author of the article receives a notification about the publication of the scientific journal by e-mail.

In case of deficiencies in the submitted manuscripts, the authors are informed about the possibility and deadline for finalizing the materials or about the rejection of the article.

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The names and e-mail addresses provided by users of the site of this electronic International Scientific Journal  will be used exclusively for the performance of its internal technical tasks; they will not be distributed and passed on to third parties.