About the Journal
Collected Works contains the results of studies on topical problems of philosophy and cultural studies. For researchers, graduates and students.
Language: Ukrainian, English.
Current Issue
Full Issue
Cultural Studies
Founded: 2004
State Registration Certificate: КВ № 9157 dd. September 15, 2004
Registration by Higher Attestation Commission of Ukraine:
The Presidium of the Higher Attestation Commission Resolution № 2–05/1 dd. January 19, 2006
The Presidium of the Higher Attestation Commission Resolution № 1–05/5 dd. November 18, 2009
Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine Order № 261 dd. March 3, 2015
Speciality of State Accreditation Commission: Philosophical sciences
Languages of Publication: Ukrainian, Russian, English
Founder: National Aviation University
Frequency: twice per year.
Editor in Chief: Drotianko Liubov, Doctor of Philosophy, Professor, head of the Department of Philosophy (National Aviation University).
Managing Editor: Оnopriyenko Valentyn, Doctor of Philosophy, Professor, leading researcher of State Institution "Institute for Scientific and Technological Potential and Science History Studies. AHEM. Dobrov NAS of Ukraine.
Editorial board:
M. Abysova PhD in Philosophy, Associate Professor (National Aviation University);
А. Hzhelinskyi, Doctor of Philosophy, Professor (Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruʼn, Poland);
О. Kyvliuk, Doctor of Philosophy, Professor (National Pedagogical Dragomanov University);
L.Komakha, Doctor of Philosophy, Professor (Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv);
V. Оlshevskyi, Doctor of Ethnology, Professor (Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruʼn, Poland);
O. Polishchuk, Doctor of Philosophy, Professor (Khmelnytskyi Humanitarian-Pedagogical Academy);
S. Yahodzinskyi, Doctor of Philosophy, Professor (National Aviation University).
Address of Editorial Department: Contact information: National Aviation University, Kyiv, Kosmonavta Komarova ave, 1, build. 8, room 1005; tel.: (044) 406-74-01 (Dial +38 if calling from abroad)
E-mail: filosof@nau.edu.ua, k_fls@nau.edu.ua.
Journal Scope: Philosophy, Cultural Studies