axiology, anthropology, worth, discourse, ethics, critique, value, praxis, polylogueAbstract
The introduction offers the optics of actualizing anthropological problems in the context of the contemporary post-information society. In particular, the author advocates the idea of reactualizing the concept of "the human" as a leading problem of the continental philosophy, which forces modern intellectuals to reconsider the significance of anthropology both for personal self-knowledge (in ethics and axiology) and for the processes of humanization of being (in ontology, philosophy of history, social philosophy and philosophy of culture). The aim of the article is to study trends and vectors of "rediscovering" the subject matter of the human from classical to modern projects of philosophical anthropology. In this way, the author provides a critical understanding of the fundamental problematic nature of the (self-)determination of the human. Research methods. The topic of the article involves the use of interdisciplinary methods: structuralist-phenomenological, logical-analytical, ethical-axiological, cultural-philosophical, hermeneutic-ontological and comparative, as well as the "history of concepts", "preunderstanding", commentary, explication and interpretation. In the research results, the author conducts a historical-philosophical retrospection on the formation of the main problems within the philosophical anthropology, specifically, unfolding the genesis and transformation of the outlined discourse from the ancient classics to the postmodern anthropological multiverse. In particular, the study demonstrates the "anthropocentrism" of the continental philosophy, both in its classical ideas (in the axiology of the movement founder M. Scheler) and modern ones (in the context of the topical discourse of meta-anthropology). The discussion outlines the current prospects for the development of the "polylogue on the human" in the European tradition of philosophical anthropology, particularly in its transdisciplinary horizon. In the conclusions, the author supports the classical principle of "open question" by O.-F. Bolnov, that considers the infinite possibilities and multifacetedness of the pluralistic interpretation of the human. Contrary to the ontological definition of the human, in the declared axiological perspective the human is permanently open to existence and has the intention of (self-)transcendence. Thus, anthropological interpretation comprehends the inexhaustible fullness of meaning in the existence of each human being
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