


culture of communication, culture of speech, culture of dialogue, communication in healthcare, hermeneutical principles


It is shown that the need to rethink the foundations and principles of communication culture is stimulated by changes in the technical means of communication in all spheres of public life, including healthcare. This affects transformations in the language used in communication processes. It is substantiated that fundamental theories are essential for the study of communication and understanding the role of language in these processes. The aim of the study is a complex understanding of the basic philosophical foundations of the formation of a culture of communication and cultural norms of communication in the healthcare sphere. Research methods are conceptual foundations of the philosophy of language, principles of philosophical hermeneutics, general scientific principles of historicism and coherence, method of cultural and semantic analysis, logical methods of justification and argumentation are applied. Research results. Communication in healthcare is a multi-stage and multi-level: communication takes place within the medical community, between doctors and patients, as well as between medical professionals and public authorities, etc. The process of communication is associated with the use of language, and therefore it requires clarification of the meaning of linguistic expressions. Hermeneutic procedures of interpretation and understanding play a facilitative role in the process of communication. Discussion. The problem of communication culture is comprehended by philosophers, scientists in various fields of science, and medical specialists. It is a cross-cutting issue in all spheres of social life, although the form and content of communication processes differ significantly in different social practices. A number of researchers have analyzed views on this issue. Conclusions. The principles and norms that are fundamental to the formation of a culture of communication in the field of health care have been identified. These are principles of formation of linguistic norms of communication; application of moral principles of mutual respect and tolerance; principles of dialogical communication and others.


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