


anthropological potential, intersubjective communication, Internet, Catholic Church, information and communication technologies


The article explores the anthropological potential of the leading medium of contemporary communication – the Internet. In the modern information society, the Internet has transformed into a dominant means of communication. It has come to shape both the methods and forms of interaction. The anthropological potential of the Internet is examined through the example of the Catholic Church's cyberspace. The aim and tasks are to outline the distinctive approach of the Catholic Church to the issue of the possibilities presented by modern communications, as well as the anthropological and humanistic potential of the global Internet network. Research methods employ systemic and phenomenological approaches, along with the method of systemic analysis, which allows for identifying the distinctive features of the approach to the issue of the Internet, its challenges, and opportunities in the social doctrine of Catholicism. Additionally, the methods of analysis and synthesis, as well as structural and logical research methods, are applied. Research results. An integral component of the social teaching of the Catholic Church is its doctrine on social communications, highlighting the Church's role and mission within contemporary communicative processes. Since its inception, the Internet has been the focus of in-depth attention from Catholic scholars, theologians, and Church hierarchs. The "World Wide Web" is conceptualized as a new stage in the development of social and individual communication, offering novel opportunities. Both the positive and negative aspects of the Internet depend solely on humans as its creators and users. The Catholic Church actively shapes a cyberspace within the Internet where the anthropological potential of the global network is manifested and utilized for the personal spiritual development of individuals. Discussion. The works of many foreign and domestic scholars provide a scientific and philosophical analysis of the characteristics of communication in the context of the information society, particularly within cyberspace. They also examine the specific features of the communicative concept of the Catholic Church. Conclusions. The Catholic Church views the Internet not merely as a given of the modern era but as a field of active engagement. In the documents of the Catholic Church and the works of theologians and scholars, both the challenges arising from contemporary communicative processes in cyberspace and the proposed solutions to these issues are thoughtfully addressed.


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