About the Journal
Focus and Scope
The Scientific Journal publishes original research papers concerning topical issues in the field of philosophy and cultural studies. Categories of audience: students, postgraduate students, doctoral candidates, researchers and experts in philosophical and cultural studies.
Peer Review Process
Peer Review Process
Manuscripts are considered in any of three languages: English and Ukrainian.
Publication Process in the Journal ”Proceedings of the National Aviation University. Vol.: Philosophy. Cultural Studies”
Only original and previously unpublished articles can be submitted to the Journal ”Proceedings of the National Aviation University. Vol.: Philosophy. Cultural Studies”.
The author’s submitted material of a written article should correspond to the journal topics and the requirements proposed for publishing.
The Editorial Board of the Journal ”Proceedings of the National Aviation University. Vol.: Philosophy. Cultural Studies” evaluates the articles for their intellectual content, regardless of race, gender, sexual orientation, religion, ethnic origin, nationality or political opinions of the author of the article.
If the authors of a written article used the works and / or statements of other people, they must be properly formed.
Publication of the other article for your own, copying or paraphrasing of substantial parts of borrowed text (without affiliation), the assignment of the research results conducted by others are regarded as unethical behavior.
The Journal ”Proceedings of the National Aviation University. Vol.: Philosophy. Cultural Studies”uses Open Journal System created to monitor the submission of materials and the review process.
The System provides the authors with opportunity to submit materials and the reviewers to submit reviews online for further proceeding.
Find a Journal
The Journal ”Proceedings of the National Aviation University. Vol.: Philosophy. Cultural Studies”provides 2 periodical publications annually in:
- philosophy.
-cultural studies.
During the selection of the right journal, the author of the article shall:
- check the aims and scope of the journal to see if the article is a good fit;
- submit the article to only one journal at a time;
Check the Guide for Authors which will include information on the type of articles accepted, acceptable language and article length.
Preparing of the written article
- UDC.
- Author’s initials and surname.
- Title of the Article.
- Full name of the place of employment.
- E-mail, city (country), ORCID, ResearcherID numbers (optional).
- Summary (from 500 to 800 printed characters with spaces).
- Key words (from 5 to 12).
- The Article’s structure:
- Introduction - Problem statement and analysis of last achievements and publications;
- Aim and tasks - Highlight of the earlier unresolved parts of the general problem. Aim of the study;
- Research methods;
- Research results;
- Discussion;
- Conclusion.
- Bibliography.
- References (should be formatted according to requirements of the SAC according to 8302: 2015 DSTU "Information and documentation. Bibliographic link. General provisions and rules of drafting", taking into account the amendments (code UKND 01.140.40. A reference list in the Roman characters in CHICAGO style (www.chicagomanualofstyle.org/tools_citationguide/citation-guide-1.html).) should be included. The list of references should be transliterated or translated into English.).
- Summary, key words (in two other languages).
1. Foster I., Kesselman C. The Grid: Blueprint for a New Computing Infrastructure / I. Foster, С. Kesselman; 2nd ed. – San Francisco: Morgan Kaufmann, 2003. – 748 p.
1. Foster, I., Kesselman, C. 2003. The Grid: Blueprint for a New Computing Infrastructure. San Francisco: Morgan Kaufmann.
2. Drotianko, L. 2015. “Filosofiia dialohu v kulturi informatsiinoi ery” [The Philosophy of Dialogue in the Culture of the Information Age]. Visnyk Natsionalnoho aviatsiinoho universytetu. Seriia : Filosofiia. Kulturolohiia, 1: 5-11. http://doi.org/10.1086/6455490235
The provided structure of the article meets the requirements of the decision of the Presidium of the Supreme Certifying Commission of Ukraine № 7-05/1 of 15.01.2003 "On increasing the requirements for professional publications included in the list of SCC of Ukraine".
Manuscripts in MS WORD format. Main text in Times New Roman font, 14 pt font size, 1.5 space interval. For summary, references, figures, and tables: font – Times New Roman, 12 pt font size, interval – 1. Paragraph indention – 1 cm. Page fields should be: upper and lower – 2 cm, left – 3 cm, right – 1.5 cm.
Peer Review System
The Journal ”Proceedings of the National Aviation University. Vol.: Philosophy. Cultural Studies” is committed to improve services for authors of the article, Editorial Board and reviewers by migrating its journal publication process to an online workflow:
- fast article registration;
- review and publication speed;
- tracking of on-line quotation;
- tracking of scientometrical characteristics by the author;
- e-mail receiving at each stage of review and publication.
This system automatically converts source files to a single Adobe Acrobat PDF version of the article which is used in the peer-review process.
Peer Review
Peer review is a critical element of scholarly publication and helps the author to improve his/her submitted work.
The Editorial Board of the Journal ”Proceedings of the National Aviation University. Vol.: Philosophy. Cultural Studies” agrees that all scientists who wish to contribute in any publication should perform their duties as a reviewer properly.
The articles in the Journal ”Proceedings of the National Aviation University. Vol.: Philosophy. Cultural Studies” are reviewed by independent acknowledged experts in their fields.
Peer review serves two key functions:
- determine the validity, significance and originality of the article;
- to improve the quality of research submitted for publication.
Reviews on submitted works must be objective.
Personal remarks of the author of the article are misplaced.
The reviewers are expected to express their clear and ground opinions.
Open Access Publishing
There are a number of open access publishing options which give the researchers a freedom to choose publications.
Check the Status of the Accepted Paper
Accepted articles will be published online on web-site http://jrnl.nau.edu.ua/index.php/VisnikPK/index .
PDF e-offprints are e-mailed after an article appearing online (paid).
To purchase a copy of the printed journal issue it is necessary to address the Printing House of the National Aviation University (coordinates).
Delivery time of the printed copy depends on the destination.
As soon as the article has been typeset, a page proof in the form of a DOC file will be sent to the author the article.
Accurate proofreading and clear marking of the corrections are essential for the article quality.
Careful proofreading is solely the responsibility of the author of a written article.
Please mark any necessary corrections in a distinct manner.
The Editorial Board of the Journal ”Proceedings of the National Aviation University. Vol.: Philosophy. Cultural Studies” will do everything it can to have the article corrected and published as quickly and accurately as possible. Therefore, it is important to ensure that all corrections are sent in one communication.
Open Access Policy
This journal provides immediate open access to its content on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global exchange of knowledge.
Publication ethics and malpractice
Publishing Ethics and the prevention of ethics abuse composed using the publication principles of Publishing Ethics Resource Kit (PERK) and in accordance with recommendations of Elsevier, Best practical methods of COPE for journal editors and Publication ethics of Academy Publisher.
General duties and responsibilities of National Aviation University as the Editor of the Journal ”Proceedings of the National Aviation University. Vol.: Philosophy. Cultural Studies”
The publication of a written article is an essential building block in the development of a coherent and respected network of knowledge. It is a direct reflection of the work quality of the authors and the institutions that support them.
Editorial Board of the Journal ”Proceedings of the National Aviation University. Vol.: Philosophy. Cultural Studies” is responsible for making the decision which articles will be published in the Journal.
The Editorial Board:
• strives to meet the needs of readers and authors;
• constantly improves the Journal;
• ensures the quality of the material it publishes;
•ensures transparency and openness of the research issues presented by the University research departments and other research and education establishments in the aviation industry of Ukraine and other countries;
• maintains the integrity of the academic record;
• precludes the compromising of intellectual standards;
• always is willing to publish corrections, clarifications, retractions and apologies when needed.
Relations with Readers of the Journal ”Proceedings of the National Aviation University. Vol.: Philosophy. Cultural Studies”
The Journal ”Proceedings of the National Aviation University. Vol.: Philosophy. Cultural Studies” informs the readers about the research results conducted in research and academic institutions of Ukraine and other countries.
Checking of materials on originality, relevance to the topic and its importance for researchers and readers should be always the main factors that influence on the decision to publishing.
The aim of the institute of review of the journal is to maintain the highest ethical standards of research, according to which before the beginning of the review reviewer should aware about requirements for ethics in the publications. The process of reviewing articles submitted to the journal targets on the requirements of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) and on the experience of leading scientific communities. This can improve the quality of printed materials and overcome prejudice and injustice in declining or accepting articles.
1. If the reviewer is not sure that his qualifications are not enough for the level and direction of research presented in the article, he should refuse from reviewing;
2. The aim of reviewer is an objective evaluation of the current articles' quality and identifying the extent of its compliance with the scientific, literary and ethical standards;
3. For the ensuring of the each author's right for the intellectual property any use of the received arguments and conclusions of the author by the reviewers is prohibited without his permission;
4. The priority item is the confidentiality of peer-reviewed articles, given that reviewer could not disclose information from the article;
5. The seriousness of the accusations in plagiarism requires by the reviewer an adequate and reasoned justification of his comments;
6. Because the reviewer has to tag any cases of insufficient quoting by the authors of works of other scholars, working in area of peer-reviewed article, by the authors, comments about the lack of citation in own reviewer research identified as biased;
7. The maintenance of a constant frequency of publication of the journal requires high reviewer's discipline, which revealed through the timely provision of review on article and the respectable relations to the authors.
1. Decision on publication. The Editor-in-Chief of the Journal ”Proceedings of the National Aviation University. Vol.: Philosophy. Cultural Studies” is responsible for the decision, which articles submitted to the Journal should be published. Check of the scientific work for the timeliness of the topic and its worth for researchers and readers should always be the main factors, which influence the decision of the article publication. Editor-in-Chief can follow the policy of the journal editorial board, his decision should also be based provisions of the law, which prohibits copyright infringement and plagiarism.
2. Fair play principle. The Editor-in-Chief and editorial board should evaluate the manuscripts based on their intellectual content irrespective of the author’s race, gender, sexual orientation, religious beliefs, ethnic origin, citizenship, or political views.
3. Disclosure of information and conflict of interests. Unpublished materials used in the manuscript should not be used in own researches of the Editor-in-Chief without the author’s written consent. Closed information or ideas obtained during the reviewing process should remain confidential and not used for personal benefits.
1. Reporting standards. Authors reporting the results of original research should provide the exact report on the performed work as well objectively report its significance. Date, based on which the research has been performed, should be clearly reported in written form. The article should contain a sufficient amount of information and references to primary sources that will allow others to use the particular work.
2. Originality and plagiarism. Authors should submit only entirely original works, and if the authors used works and/or statements of other people, they should be used appropriately as citations. Plagiarism in all its forms is considered as an unethical conduct and is inappropriate.
3. Authorship of the work. The authorship should be restricted by those people who contributed significantly to the conception, design, execution, or interpretation of the reported research. All those who made significant contributions should be listed as co-authors.
4. Significant errors in published works. If the author discovers a significant error or inaccuracy in his published work, he has to promptly notify the editor or publisher of the journal about it and cooperate in retracing or correcting this error.
Indexed in
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Editorial board
Editor in Chief: Drotianko Liubov, Doctor of Philosophy, Professor, head of the Department of Philosophy (National Aviation University).
Managing Editor: Оnopriyenko Valentyn, Doctor of Philosophy, Professor, leading researcher of State Institution "Institute for Scientific and Technological Potential and Science History Studies. AHEM. Dobrov NAS of Ukraine.
Editorial board:
M. Abysova PhD in Philosophy, Associate Professor (National Aviation University);
А. Hzhelinskyi, Doctor of Philosophy, Professor (Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruʼn, Poland);
О. Kyvliuk, Doctor of Philosophy, Professor (National Pedagogical Dragomanov University);
L. Komakha, Doctor of Philosophy, Professor (Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv);
V. Оlshevskyi, Doctor of Ethnology, Professor (Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruʼn, Poland);
S. Ordenov, PhD in Philosophy, Associate Professor (National Aviation University);
O. Polishchuk, Doctor of Philosophy, Professor (Khmelnytskyi Humanitarian-Pedagogical Academy);
Yu. Kharchenko, Doctor of Philosophy, Professor (Volodymyr Vynnychenko Central Ukrainian State University)