heritage trail, urban catalyst, environmental design, streetscape design, cultural heritage, urban design, materials, colors, urban environment, design objects, street space, spatial perception, public space, tourism.Abstract
Abstract. Purpose. This paper addresses issues such as unclear spatial organization and insufficient integration with surrounding functions in the design of urban heritage trails. The main objective is to investigate the implementation of the widely applied urban catalyst theory in the practice of planning and design of cultural heritage trails, which will provide new perspectives and methods for theoretical research on the design of urban cultural heritage trails. Methodology. Through a comprehensive literature review, this study analyzes the developmental trends of heritage trails and the principles of urban catalyst theory. It employs case studies to identify the environmental design characteristics and critical factors influencing the effectiveness of heritage trails through the lens of catalyst theory. Results. The findings suggest that the design challenges faced by urban heritage trails can be effectively mitigated by adopting a spatial organization strategy that transitions from point-like elements to broader areas. The study delineates three key design steps: activating spatial nodes, ensuring continuity in spatial interfaces, and extending the urban context, supported by thorough case analyses. Scientific novelty. This research distinguishes itself by applying urban catalyst theory to address specific design issues within heritage trails, effectively summarizing and articulating relevant methods for practitioners in the field. Practical significance. The insights derived from this study provide a theoretical foundation and clear guidelines for the planning and design of future urban heritage trails, ensuring they are better integrated with their urban contexts and enhance cultural experiences for visitors.
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