Requirements for execution
Original scholarly articles, which have not been published yet, are accepted for publishing in the professional journal “Theory and Practice of Design”.
Individual articles of students are not accepted for publication, only in co-authorship with an academic adviser
General requirements for article design:
The minimum volume of an article is 10 (A4) pages (minimum of 15.000 characters with spaces)
File name – The first’s author surname
Format: A4. Margins: top – 2 cm, bottom – 2 cm, left– 3 cm, right – 1.5 cm. Font: Times New Roman, 14. Line spacing – 1.5. Paragraph indention – 1.25 cm.
The sequence of the article’s structural elements:
- The UDC index (Universal Decimal Classification) is aligned left.
- Article title – semi-bold, center-aligned without a paragraph indention. One line is skipped above and below.
- The full name of the author (-s) in one line a comma separated. Each surname is followed by a superior figure – the serial number of the author (center alignment, italics).
- Information about the author (academic degree and rank, position and affiliation, city, country, orcid). Information about each co-author (if any) is presented in a new line with the corresponding superior figure.
- The Ukrainian-language abstract is at least 1800 characters with spaces (italics, full justification). The abstract should be structured and contain the following subsections: Purpose. Methodology. Results. Scientific novelty. Practical relevance. Structural or content elements can be separated by paragraphs.
Keywords: 12-15 words or combinations of words
- Article text comprises the following structural elements:
- Introduction renders problem statement in general; research relevance and its relation to urgent scientific or practical tasks the article is devoted to;
- Analysis of recent research – a brief analysis of recent research and publications which have initiated problem solution and on which the author relies (a brief analysis of recent publications in professional journals is desirable). The analysis should include an assessment of the problem’s current state at the global level (at least 5 references to scholarly periodicals published in the last 5-10 years);
- Purpose – it aims at solving the problem mentioned in the introduction and corresponds to the title, and is well-formulated. It is highlighted expected results and their effect on further relevant research. It is recommended to formulate the purpose clearly and concretely without using abstract statements and general phrases. The author should specify 2-5 steps for achieving the research goal;
- Results and Discussion – presentation of basic material (5-6 pages); supporting data – maximum of 4 pages;
- Conclusions. Particular attention is paid to the formulation of conclusions and their correspondence to the article’s purpose and title. Conclusions should fully and accurately render the research findings, be concise, specific, contain generalizations and recommendations arising from the research, and suggestions for further research. The subsection also briefly presents the prospects for further research.
Figures (diagrams, photos) and tables should be numbered, have a title and be placed after the first reference to them in the text (for example, Fig. 1) or (table 1). Captions in figures and tables: font: Times New Roman, 11 pt (no less).
Illustrations (*.jpg) must have sufficient contrast. The resolution must be 300 dpi (the actual size of the image in the article text). Each figure is inserted into a two-line table: the upper one contains the image, and the lower one – a caption with the figure’s number. Table content is center aligned. The word “Table”, its number and name are written above. Tables should be designed via Word editors without filling. It is forbidden to use photos of tables. Units of measurement are in the table header in brackets (mm). Formulas are in the center of the page. Formulas must be typed (not scanned) via MS Equation. The formula style is “straight”. It is preferable to indicate international units of measurement – SI. It is forbidden to use graphic objects, frames and tables for the set of formulas.
Forming paragraphs using intervals (spaces) or tabulation is unacceptable. In the text, it is necessary to use quotation marks of the following type only: « ».
7. A Bibliography list is drawn up in the source language according to DSTU 8302:2015 and presented as a numbered list, DOI if any.It should comprise at least 20 sources. They are listed alphabetically, not in the order of citation.
If the References list contains the Constitution of Ukraine or the Laws of Ukraine, these sources are listed first - the Constitution of Ukraine takes priority - and then, all other sources in alphabetical order by the first author's surname.
8. References. The list is duplicated in Latin letters and drawn up according to the APA (American Psychological Association) standardб completely duplicates the sequence of sources following the References list. You can generate a citation meeting APA style via websites for automatic citation creation: Citation Machine, In-text citations are put in square brackets meeting the number in the list, e.g. [2] or [5; 9]. If a quote is used in the text, it is necessary to indicate the source’s number in the list and page, for example [1, p. 10], where 1 is the serial number in the list, 10 is the page number.
9. The English-language abstract, key words. The author’s surname and initials and the article title in English precede the abstract.
10. Date of article submission to the editorial office.
11. Author’s note: Full Name, scientific degree, scientific rank, affiliation, primary place of employment and its full name (institution, its departmental subordination, country, e-mail, orcid.
If the article does not meet the above requirements, it is sent back for improvement.
Example of article design:
Архітектура та будівництво
УДК 72.01:159 (392)
Ритуальність і театралізація архітектурної діяльності
Трошкіна Олена Анатоліївна 1, Гнатюк Лілія Романівна 2
1 кандидат архітектури, доцент,
Національна академія образотворчого мистецтва і архітектури, Київ, Україна,
e-mail:, orcid: 0000-0002-0597-9700
2 кандидат архітектури, доцент,
доцент кафедри комп’ютерних технологій дизайну і графіки,
Державний університет "Київський авіаційний інститут", Київ, Україна,
e-mail:, orcid: 0000-0001-5853-9429
Анотація. Анотація мовою статті обсягом не менше 1800 знаків з пробілами. Анотація повинна бути структурованою і містити такі підрозділи: Мета. Методологія. Результати. Наукова новизна. Практична значущість.
Ключові слова: архітектура, архітектурна діяльність, ритуал, обряд, театралізація.
Текст статті зі структурними елементами [2, с. 150].
Аналіз попередніх досліджень...
Результати та обговорення...
1. Балушок В. Виробнича культура: світоглядні аспекти, обряди та ритуали. Історія української культури: гол. ред. Я.Д. Ісаєвич. К.: Наукова думка, 2001. Т. 2. С. 77–81.
2. Гнатюк Л.Р. Засади формотворення сакрального простору. Архітектура, будівництво, дизайн в освітньому просторі : колективна монографія. Рига, Латвія: “Baltija Publishing”, 2021. С. 306–327.
1. Balushok, V. (2001). Vyrobnycha kultura: svitohliadni aspekty, obriady ta rytualy [Production culture: worldview aspects, rites and rituals]. Istoriia ukrainskoi kultury – History of Ukrainian Culture: hol. red. Ya.D. Isaievych. K.: Naukova dumka, T. 2. S. 77–81 [in Ukrainian].
2. Hnatiuk, L.R. (2021). Zasady formotvorennia sakralnoho prostoru [Principles of formation of sacred space]. Arkhitektura, budivnytstvo, dyzain v osvitnomu prostori – Architecture, construction, design in the educational space: kolektyvna monohrafiia. Ryha, Latviia: “Baltija Publishing”, S. 306–327 [in Ukrainian].
Troshkina O., Gnatiuk L. Rituality and theatricalization of architectural activity.
Анотація англійською мовою обсягом не менше 1800 знаків з пробілами. Анотація повинна бути структурованою і містити такі підрозділи: Purpose. Methodology. Results. Scientific novelty. Practical relevance.
Keywords: architecture, architectural activity, ritual, rite, theatricalization.
Troshkina Olena, Candidate of Architecture, Associate Professor, National Academy of Fine Arts and Architecture, Kyiv, Ukraine, e-mail:, orcid: 0000-0002-0597-9700
Gnatiuk Liliia, Candidate of Architecture, Associate Professor, Associate Professor at the Department of Computer Design and Graphics Technologies, State University «Kyiv Aviation Institute», Kyiv, Ukraine, e-mail:, orcid: 0000-0001-5853-9429
Стаття подана до редакції __.__.2024 р.