


design, traditions and innovations, ethnominimalism, cultural heritage


The study notes the importance of preserving and adapting traditions in a rapidly changing modern world and considers «GOMINGIR» as an important example of a successful fusion of past and present in creating a design that not only impresses with its aesthetics, but also becomes a determining factor in the development of cultural identity. Purpose. The purpose of the study is to analyze the strategies and methods by which the GOMINGIR brand adapts and evolves traditions in contemporary design, considering specific objects of its collections. Methodology. The methodological framework of the study includes a comprehensive approach, combining the analysis of design elements, historical aspect, philosophical reflection, and the study of the impact on current trends. This research approach allows us to thoroughly analyze and comprehend both the aspects of creating specific GOMINGIR objects and their contribution to the broader context of modern design development and preservation of traditions. Results. The research results confirm the successful adaptation and evolution of traditions in GOMINGIR’s design. Understanding the methods and strategies of GOMINGIR can be a valuable contribution to the development of design aimed at preserving cultural heritage and its actualization in the modern design landscape. Scientific novelty. The study identifies a scientific novelty in the study and analysis of the integration of ethnic elements in the design of GOMINGIR objects with the principles of minimalism. Practical relevance. The results of the study provide specific design strategies and methods that can be used in the design industry to create innovative objects that combine tradition with innovation; The research can serve as an inspiration for designers, stimulating their creativity and innovation in the field of design;


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