


гуманізм, освіта, інклюзія, діти з особливими освітніми потребами, парадигма освіти, гуманістичні цінності, соціокультурний підхід


Introduction. The development of domestic inclusive education within the humanistic concept of inclusion is based on various
approaches, among which the sociocultural approach occupies a special place. The aim of this study is to analyze the humanistic
principles of teaching children with special educational needs from the standpoint of a sociocultural approach. Achieving the research
aim is specified by solving the following tasks: to outline the problems that arise in crisis conditions in the process of functioning of
educational institutions and to justify the need to observe the ideals of humanism.Research methods The specificity of the study
problem determines the need to use general scientific and special methods and approaches, one of which is a systematic approach
aimed at revealing the integrity of pedagogical objects. Research results. The development of inclusive education takes place in the
context of the ideas of phenomenology, cultural studies, synergy, etc. The concept of inclusive education is based on the humanistic
paradigm of social consciousness, according to which the modern world is based on a single humanistic value system of people who
respect traditions, and are open to innovations. Discussion. Full inclusion of children with special educational needs in society is
possible by overcoming the contradiction between the desire to recognize these persons as full-fledged members of society, and the
need to take into account their psychophysical differences. Theoretically, the contradiction is overcome by the fact that the mentioned
differences are considered as statistical averages capable of fulfilling the role of an individual resource of personality development,
practically - for the full inclusion of children with special educational needs in society, it is necessary to create special conditions for
them from the state. In the conditions of martial law, the state found itself in a difficult situation and cannot fully fulfill these obligations.
Despite adverse circumstances, there is no alternative to humanism. Conclusions. Within the framework of inclusive education,
humanism remains the system of value orientations. In the humanistic concept of inclusive education, individuals of this category are
considered to be the highest goal in social development and are provided with the creation of the necessary conditions for the full
realization of all their potentials.


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