цивілізація, світогляд, соціальний проєкт, людяність, відповідальність, консолідація, толерантність, солідарність, милосердяAbstract
Introduction. The current situation that has developed in our country and the world in general has obviously aggravated the problem of
reassessment and formation of a new model of ethical guidelines that would allow a person and society, in general, to find spiritual
support for their modern existence. The aim and tasks of the study are to analyze and determine the factors and socio-cultural
mechanisms that, in the modern aggressive reality created by war, contribute to the preservation, cultivation, and active manifestation of
one of the fundamental principles of morality - humanity. Identification of the most relevant spiritual and moral forms of social ties
through which humanity manifests itself in the human community and is able to be an effective cultural and civilizational means of
uniting society in opposition to modern barbarism. From this angle, the ability and attitude of such a sphere of social management as
social design, which defines its goal as the promotion of modernization and support in society both in the material and spiritual spheres,
are investigated. The basis of the research methodology is the dialectical method, which is used at all levels of analysis of the
phenomenon of humanity, and the contradictions of its manifestation in the modern civilizational crisis. Involvement of conceptual
analysis allows the revealing of the essential characteristics of the category "humanity" in relation to the categories "social project",
"responsibility", "solidarity", "tolerance", "charity". The interdisciplinary nature of the topic, and its value load necessarily required the use
of the comparative method. The theoretical basis of the study was the works of domestic researchers in the field of philosophical
anthropology, social philosophy, ethics, philosophy of culture, sociology, and psychology. Research results. Firstly, it is the fact that
humanity is able to essentially reveal itself only beyond the boundaries of humanistic ideology, which is built on the principle of
anthropocentrism. Humanity is not an affirmation of human nature in itself, contrary to everything else. Secondly, humanity as a
measure of humanness presupposes human responsibility, the ability to limit oneself in one’s needs and interests when one meets the
needs and interests of the common world of one’s existence. Humanity presupposes a person’s openness to the Other, being tolerant of
the Other, perceiving and understanding, and respecting his life world. Discussion. The analysis carried out shows that in a society in
which the basic institutions of management, analysis, and forecasting of social processes lay down moral and ethical parameters of
humanity in their project activities, optimal solutions to social problems are guaranteed to be found, and they really contribute to the
harmonization of social relations. The author notes that sociality does not contradict humanity. The etymology of this term translated
from Latin means cohesion, community, connection, and not totality. The latter is possible precisely on the moral and value bases of
humanity. Conclusions. Sociality is the semantic epicenter of society, a way of organizing individuals in society. Determining the
prospects for the development of social relations is a necessary prerequisite for achieving a new qualitative state of social and other
spheres of society’s life, in particular, the man himself - the basic value of any civilized society. The priority of this direction actualizes
the task of scientifically based forecasting and implementation of practical social technologies and their practices. An important role in
the activity of modern social spheres is played by such an innovation as social projecting. Social projecting, which has become
widespread in modern Ukraine, is aimed at solving painful, urgent problems of social existence and covers not only issues on a national scale but also aimed at the level of the region, district, and social groups. But, without taking into account the value and moral
imperative of human-sizedness (humanity), hoping for its successful implementation is futile.
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