scientific and technical knowledge, innovative development, technologies, humanitarian sciences, philosophical generalizations, methodological principlesAbstract
Introduction. For half a century, there have been discussions in the post-Soviet space about the most effective innovative model of
science and higher education. In Soviet times, a choice was made in favor of the system of the Moscow Phystech. Kyiv Academic
University was formed on the basis of the leading institutes of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine. The aim of the study is
historical and methodological reconstruction of the principles and guidelines of the higher education system in Ukraine for research
tasks. Research methodology. The study uses a systematic approach, a set of philosophical and general scientific approaches and
methods: objectivity, ascent from the abstract to the concrete. Research results. Kyiv Academic University implements a system of dual
education for the National Academy of Sciences at the university level in Ukraine. The Kyiv branch implemented for the first time in
Ukraine a system of elite physical and technical education - the "physico-technical system", which is based on the following principles:
the training of students by specialty is carried out directly by scientists of basic institutes on the new technical equipment of these
institutions; training in basic institutes involves individual work with each student; every student must participate in scientific work,
starting from the second or third year. Discussion. Currently, Kyiv Academic University is a pilot project of a research university in
Ukraine. The main principle of KAU is learning through research. The main activities of KAU are: scientific activity – conducting scientific
research in the most relevant areas of modern science with the maximum involvement of students; educational and scientific activity –
training of students by leading scientists of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine with extensive experience in international
cooperation; innovative activity; development of continuous scientific education and popularization of science. Conclusions. Within the
framework of the MIPT model, the two-semester course "History, philosophy, sociology of natural science" was taught to master's
students. This course is fundamentally integrative and appropriate for this form of education. Master's students are taught many special
courses on the newest problems of various branches of natural science, engineering, and the latest technologies.
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