
  • О. А. Матюхіна Національний авіаційний університет



fashion, space, "space style", youth, youth fashion, functionality


Introduction. In the article, a culturological study of the peculiarities of the "space style" in the fashion of the 60s of the 20th century is carried out. Flying into space, the author notes, influenced the change in socio-cultural standards, lifestyle. Especially these changes manifested themselves among young people, Changes in sociocultural standards required visualization, adequate expression, reflection in a suit. Aim end task: The article will analyze the features of the “cosmic style” of the fashion of the 60s, especially those features that were caused by space exploration and reflected the moods and aspirations of young people. Research methods: In accordance with the goals and objectives of the article, the study used cultural-historical, sociocultural methodological approaches in their dialectical unity, as well as historical-comparative, phenomenological methods. Research results. The influence of achievements in the cognition and development of outer space on the formation and nature of the "space style" is shown. Its features are revealed on the example of "space collections" of such leading designers of the 20th century as A. Kurrezh, P. Carden, P. Rabanne. It is emphasized that the "cos-mic style" in the fashion of the 60s of the 20th century laid the foundation for a new style of clothing that corresponds to the changed realities of the present. Meaning, embodied in the "space style", determined the character of the clothes of the last third of the twentieth century. ХХ1 century. Its functional forms have become a symbol of modernity, belonging to those spheres of life where the future is created. "Space style" in the fashion of the 60's created clothes with the appropriate cut, materials, which made it possible to create the desired image - modern, dynamic, inspired by the epoch-making cosmic achievements. It was an image demanded by society, especial-ly in such a layer as the youth, the image of a free person, aspiring into space as a hyper-space of the future. Discussion. In works on the history of fashion, “space style” is considered mainly in the context of the formation of youth fashion. At the same time, the question remains open about the place and role of the “cosmic style” in the culture of the last third of the twentieth century. Conclusion. "Cosmic style" in fashion is presented in the article as a way of objectifying in a suit the ideas that arose in society as a result of space explora-tion.

Author Biography

О. А. Матюхіна, Національний авіаційний університет

доцент кафедри філософії


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Cultural Studies