Design as a complex system
Design, system, purpose, theoretical support, direct information link linguistics design, methods.Abstract
The system of design consideration is developed as a complex system with the appropriate linguistics and substantial addition of new categories that are useful for the further theoretical research and practical use. It is considered condition of contemporary design, its purpose is a propriety of existence, the harmony of architectural and objective environment, technical perfection election of technological feasibility and economic efficiency ergonomical comfort and environmental sustainability. Its social value is creating of provided and worthy way оf life and work, artistic figurativeness of the physical world, social self-organization and humanisation of society,the formation of social identity, inspiration, purification,ennoblement of person, his spiritual rebirth and recreation, perception of work and creative motivation and therefore progressive economic development of society.References
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How to Cite
Tsoy, M. P. (2013). Design as a complex system. Theory and Practice of Design, (4), 179–185.