

visual style, map, cartography, stylistic design, visual communication, visual and stylistic characteristics, color, form, physical and geographical maps, survey maps, navigation, carrier.


Modern mapping provides ample opportunity to create various types of cards. However, these opportunities are not always used rationally. Effective visual map design allows you to highlight the most important information and make it easily susceptible. Purpose of the article. There is a detection of visual-stylistic characteristics of cards that affect their identification among species diversity. Methodology. The theoretical and methodological basis of the study were the following general scientific approaches and methods such as an interdisciplinary approach, a method of generalization, systemic and structural and functional methods. Results. Geographic, thematic and review maps are considered. The basic principles of stylistic cards design that ensure the effectiveness of visual communication are defined. It is proved that stylistic design is important in the perception of the general image. Scientific novelty of the study consists is an attempt to prove the impact of the visual style of the card on its identification. It is stated that the stylistic design of the maps is an important component of visual communication, which affects the effectiveness of perception and understanding of cartographic information. The practical relevance of the study is due to the expansion of theoretical information about the visual style of different types of cards. The results obtained during the study will help to better understand the principles of stylistic design of cards and use them for effective visual communication, improving the quality of cartographic works. Conclusions. The study suggests that visual style is a part of visual communication and an information message that can influence the perception of most types of maps, providing clear transmission of information. The visual style of the map directly affects the species identification of the card, because the visual style that helps to find out what a certain card is created, attracts the attention of the target audience, forms a unique image of the card, consolidating the associative image in the consumer's memory.


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