


public center, public space, urban environment, urban planning, environmental design, city planning, city structure, city, environment, social interaction, community, square, set of functions, functional objects


The concept of a «public city center» has been interpreted differently over time, as in each historical period, the public center had an objective and means of achieving that objective that were relevant at the time. The article examines the evolution of the formation of the public center and highlights the dynamics of changing user needs. Additionally, the concept of a «public center» is often equated with the concept of a «public space», which is incorrect and arises from a misunderstanding of the differences between these concepts. The purpose of this research is to clarify and update the definition of «public center» in its modern understanding, as well as to clearly distinguish between the concepts of «public center» and «public space». The purpose of the research is to highlight the significance of public centers in the context of the modern city. The research focuses on revealing the various aspects of the functioning of public centers, their impact on the social and cultural spheres of the city, and the sustainable development of the local community. The methodology includes the analysis of sources in the fields of urban planning, environmental design, architecture, urban studies, psychology, and the study of practical experience in the construction and operation of public centers in cities. As a result, the author proposes a clarification of the definition of «public center» in its modern understanding, as well as a clear distinction between the concepts of «public center» and «public space». The scientific novelty lies in the updating and clarification of the concept of «public center,» as well as the clear distinction between the concepts of «public center» and «public space». The practical significance lies in defining the modern interpretation of the concept of «public center», which influences the formation and design of public centers in cities according to current needs. The results can be used for testing in the design of a public center by updating and improving the methods of designing public centers.


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