
  • Ihor Tvoronovych Kyiv National University of Construction and Architecture




space, place, barrier situation, universal design, inclusion, architecture, collective action, structure


A barrier situation is a basic phenomenon in the science of inclusion and universal design. For a better understanding of the complex architectural, design and social factors that influence the formation of a particular barrier situation in the context, it is necessary to identify a certain position of the architectural environment where the action of the subject of perception takes place and the position of the subject itself, which is determined and constructed by its cogito, unique phenomenological experience and local socio-cultural context. In this context, the contact between the subject and the subject environment is conceived as a certain connection, which forms a barrier situation. The optics of the study are aimed at clarifying the difference between the effects of place and space in a barrier situation and the role of these concepts in the process of collective and inclusive interaction. This text analyzes examples of situations of both spaces and places. The role of body activation in the experience of the architectural environment and its impact on the creation of collective interaction and inclusion in a barrier situation is described. The relationship between space and place is revealed, which are presented rather as flowing concepts and effects arising from the presence and perception of the architectural environment by the subject and his intentional consciousness. The factors from both the environment and the subject that influence the creation of both the effect of space and the effect of place are also analyzed and named. This text analyzes and summarizes the legacy of R. Sennett, as outlined in the book «Flesh and Stone», which introduces the conceptual apparatus of space/place, derived from the historical analysis of the cultural field of Europe, on the basis of which the dialectical relationship of these concepts is described and studied, and the author attempts to extrapolate Sennett’s theory into the field of universal design and inclusion. Purpose: to identify the relationship and role of the concepts of space and place in the structure of experiencing a barrier situation, to determine how space and place are related to the formation of the phenomenon of inclusion and collective interaction. To create a better conceptual framework for understanding the phenomena of architectural reality. Methodology: to analyze the intersubjective phenomena of perception of the architectural environment, this study proposes the use of phenomenological methodology, namely the method of historical analysis, phenomenological reduction, hermeneutic and descriptive methods, as well as the use of elements and schemes of the logic of situationism. Results: the concepts of space and place in the context of a barrier situation are defined, the nature of the relationship is identified and described, and the main characteristics of the effects of space and place are highlighted. A general conceptual scheme (syntax) of the dialectical relationship between the concepts of space and place in the structure of a barrier situation and its impact on the formation of inclusive interaction is revealed. Scientific novelty: It is concluded that the study of a barrier situation, and hence bodily tension and activation of several sensory systems of the body at the same time (present in the situation of place), plays a significant role in identifying and understanding the position of the «other», and hence the possibility of understanding the inclusive interaction itself. Practical relevance: This work will be useful for a better understanding of the essence and identification of the inner meaning and impact of architectural spaces through the use of situational logic. It can be used at the stages of pre-design analysis, as well as as a theoretical basis for changing the paradigm of perception of architectural reality, by extrapolating the logic of situationalism and the phenomenological method to the plane of design and architecture.


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