


art center, culture, architecture, form, design, environmental friendliness, identities, museum architecture, symbiosis, aqua garden, exhibition hall, placement, modern art


The article examines and examines the practice of building art centers of international experience. The features of each center are considered. The design and architectural solutions that were used in the development of the projects were analyzed. Materials on the prospects for the development of art centers were studied and summarized for the further use of this information in the diploma project. The purpose of the research is to analyze the international and domestic experience of creating atypical art centers and research project solutions for these objects. Research methods: analysis of literary sources, study and generalization of obtained information, study and analysis of architectural and construction practice, synthesis of obtained information, comparative analysis, method of analogies. Results: the work summarizes the experience of design, construction and operation of art center buildings with the identification of modern trends, and the architectural and planning formation of art centers is systematically considered. The main design solutions for different types of art centers are considered. The functions of use and exhibition buildings with unique features of spatial composition are analyzed. The analysis of the design and architectural solutions of the centers shows that in the development of art centers, more and more attention is paid to the use of natural systems and processes in the design, which allow contact with nature, and these design approaches improve health and well-being. In addition, architectural designs include comprehensive solutions to support structural and functional requirements, as well as economic, social, environmental, medical, engineering and technical aspects developed. in the architectural part. The design incorporates characteristics of the natural world, built-in spaces such as water, greenery and natural lighting, or elements such as wood and stone. Scientific novelty: the importance of creating new creative centers for demonstrating the potential of Ukrainian art and attracting a large number of people to the knowledge of modern Ukrainian culture was revealed and substantiated. Practical significance: this article can be used during the design of art centers and art centers and during research on this topic


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