types of lighting devices; decorative lighting; playground; landscape lighting; landscaping; lighting objects; lighting of the urban environment; park; smallholding; light design; sport ground; functional lightingAbstract
The article describes the features of the research that consists in determining the role of lighting in the landscape design of cities and individual homesteads. The place of installation of lighting devices, climatic conditions of the environment, groups of plants, decorative covering, architectural forms and landscape areas are of great importance. Methodology: Cognitive, evaluative and diagnostic methods of analysis are used in the article. Results: The influence of light design on the perception of landscape objects of urban and homestead location was analyzed and evaluated. The process of realizing the balance between human activity, other living creatures, plants and a whole nature in the design of night lighting of city parks was investigated by finding out the effect of night artificial light on the ecosystem of city parks. Also, the impact of individual changes caused by artificial lighting on the functioning of the entire ecosystem was considered, its advantages and disadvantages were analyzed, it was indicated how to reduce the negative impact and how to better use the positive effect of artificial light. Attention is focused on the expansion of the use of artificial lighting in the arrangement of such objects of the urban environment as parks, children's and sports grounds, landscape compositions, etc. It has been established that light design is a complex approach from economic, architectural, aesthetic, decorative and engineering points of view. The need to master the art of lighting for the further ergonomic design of places of public and individual recreation has been identified. Scientific novelty: The role of lighting in the landscape design of the environment is inexhaustible. After all, lighting design is not only an aesthetic and decorative aspect, but also a functional one. Thanks to a comprehensive approach to the formation of lighting of landscape objects, the safety of various purposes of architectural structures in the dark, as well as the level of emotional and aesthetic satisfaction of residents, increases; a single artistic image is creating, which makes it possible to form a complete picture of the perception of a particular composition. Practical significance: The revealed regularities and acquired knowledge can be applied in the practice of landscape design when arranging or improving both urbanized environmental objects and individual homesteads.
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