Features of defensive structures of civil defense of Verona.


  • Лілія Романівна Гнатюк Національний авіаційний університет
  • Олександра Михайлівна Лугова Інститут біології та медицини імені Тараса Шевченка




Fortress, Features, Construction, Civil, Defense, Verona, Wall, Castle, Bridge, City, Defensive, Strengthening, Fortification, Fortifications


Castle-building (or complex of buildings), combining residential and defensive-fortification tasks. The first official castles were built to protect the family of the feudal Lord and himself from attacks by the Normans (Vikings) and Hungarians.

Fortress walls are protective walls around the courtyard. They had to be high enough to make it difficult for attackers to attack, use ladders, and thick enough to withstand the power of siege engines, which from the fifteenth century, began to include artillery. The typical wall was 3 meters thick and 12 meters high, but the dimensions varied greatly from castle to castle. To protect them from the mines, in front of the walls sometimes arranged stone blind. Numerous towers on the fortress wall allowed the defenders of the castle to conduct longitudinal fire along the wall.

The city is located at an altitude of 59 m above sea level, lies on the banks of the Adige river 30 kilometers East of lake Garda. Because of the proximity of the river, the city often suffered from floods, until the greatest flood in September 1882, which destroyed most of the bridges and floating Mills.

The walls of Verona, built during the Habsburg rule, still exist. The city has a historical medieval center, the districts of Veronetta and San Zeno consist entirely of buildings of the medieval era, in the center there are later buildings (Renaissance, eighteenth and nineteenth centuries), in some areas the walls of villas and palaces are built in the Baroque style, then there are the industrial zones of Borgo Roma, which arose at the turn of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, and finally the modern city.

Verona boasts protective walls: in some places, the walls of the Roman Empire are still visible, of which only ruins remain. Preserved ancient city gates-Porta Borsari and Porta Leoni; from the bridge Aleardi towards the center is a well-preserved wall of the XIII century with three towers, the most famous of which is the Pentagon tower and Portoni del Bra, leading to the main square of the city–Piazza Bra; on the hill of St. Peter are the walls built by the family Della Scala. There are more than 15 towers; embankments from the outer wall, built by the Venetians, as well as some bastions; the walls, fortresses and ramparts built by the Austrians were almost untouched by time.

Author Biography

Лілія Романівна Гнатюк, Національний авіаційний університет

канд.арх., доцент


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How to Cite

Гнатюк, Л. Р., & Лугова, О. М. (2019). Features of defensive structures of civil defense of Verona. Theory and Practice of Design, (18), 44–50. https://doi.org/10.18372/2415-8151.18.14358


