Ornamentality as an artistic image of cursive writing in national baroque culture


  • Галина Іванівна Павельчак Українська академія друкарства, м. Львів




Cursive, Ukrainian baroque, Shaping elements, Ornament, Plastic properties, Grapheme, Ukrainian culture, Composition, Handwriting, Letters, Worksheet, Writing


The article deals with the plastic sides of a cursive letter that relates to the heyday of Ukrainian baroque, namely a distinctive and stylistic slice of time where Ukrainian culture rises to one of the highest stages of development.

The Ukrainian cursive is studied on a historical paleographic basis by well-known Ukrainian figures, art critics and font-makers, but its artistic features and plastic features are hardly mentioned.

The development and formation of graphs over a certain period and their distinguishing features are considered. The basic shaping elements that determine the artistic and plastic properties of Ukrainian cursive are distinguished, they also serve as constructive sign graphemes and decorative and decorative accessories. The font is not only readable – the font is perceived as a visual image, and in this the aesthetic meaning of the font, related to the graphics and painting: the formal laws of decorative image construction act like the laws of ornamental art in the font. Geometric morphology of fonts and landmarks does not use elementary forms, but extremely complex, which tend to natural bionic structures, there is an active development of sheet space, and the abundant decorative of the letter obscures the content itself. And this is one of the most important features of baroque ornamentation. The construction of an art-integral ornamental-font composition is facilitated by the fact that the font and the ornament are two-dimensional planar in nature and offer a clear rhythmic organization.

The plastic sides of a cursive letter based on historical specimens are described. The ornamentation can be traced in the sophistication of style, the decorative processing of the sheet, the optimistic rhythm and the freedom to own the instrument and is subject to the most active influence of the individual "hand of the scribe".

Author Biography

Галина Іванівна Павельчак, Українська академія друкарства, м. Львів



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