


modern interior design, interactive, multimedia, and sensory technologies, interactive object-spatial environment, informational media screens, interactive panels, tactile-sensory displays, sensory panels, LED floor, accessibility, formation features.


The article highlights the features and trends in the implementation and application of modern interactive, multimedia, and sensory technologies in the development of accessible interior design. Existing research terminology has been clarified and adjusted. The feasibility of applying cutting-edge digital technologies in the design of accessible interiors has been determined: interactive technologies (informational media screens, displays); multimedia technologies (interactive panels, tactile-sensory displays); sensory technologies (sensor panels, LED floors). It has been established that the integration of interactive, multimedia, and sensory objects and technical means, while somewhat indirect and supplementary, gains significance in enhancing the informativeness, navigation, and accessibility of modern interior design. Purpose. To determine the features and trends in the application of interactive, multimedia, and sensory technologies in accessible interior design. Methodology. The study employs theoretical research methods, analysis of international experience in accessible interior design with multimedia and sensory technologies, and a graph-analytical method. Results. The study establishes the features and trends in the implementation of modern interactive, multimedia, and sensory technologies in accessible interior design. Scientific novelty. The novelty lies in highlighting the features and trends of further development in modern interactive, multimedia, and sensory technologies in the process of creating accessible interior design. Practical significance. An analysis of existing foreign and domestic examples of accessible interior design incorporating interactive, multimedia, and sensory technologies has been conducted. The need to define the requirements and overall concept of sensory accessibility in interior design has been identified, with the use of interactive, multimedia, and sensory technologies to ensure a comfortable environment for individuals with hearing, vision, and other disabilities.


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How to Cite

Kysil, S., & Krotova, T. (2025). INTERACTIVE, MULTIMEDIA, AND SENSORY TECHNOLOGIES IN ACCESSIBLE INTERIOR DESIGN. Theory and Practice of Design, (34), 300–308.

