



design, book, consequences, computer, graphics, designer, artistic drawings, graphic design, art.


The aim. With the advent of computer technology, the period of development of new methods and the use of new technologies for the design and development of illustrations began. It has been proven that the development of illustrative images of 3D characters for children's performances is a dynamic and dynamic process, since the design of 3D characters for children's performances requires a combination of creative approach, technical skill and understanding of their impact on the subconscious of children's audiences. The specifics of designing illustrative images are studied, the main stages of their development are structured, and the functional features that are taken into account when developing a 3D character by a designer are highlighted. Methodology. Analytical, sociocultural, structural approaches, as well as theoretical research methods are applied. Results. An analysis of literary sources on the subject of the research was carried out and, based on this, the specifics of designing illustrative images of 3D characters for children's publications were systematized and described: concept development, selection of optimal software, figure modeling, visual representation, animation, preparation of the character for further integration into the children's publication. It has been studied that computer graphics enable illustrators and artists to express their creative ideas using interactive technologies. In this way, the functional features taken into account by designers in the process of designing heroes were investigated. Scientific novelty. The main stages of designing illustrative images of 3D characters for children's publications are systematized, their functional features are revealed not only in graphic design, but also in other fields of knowledge. Practical significance. The results of the research can be used to further study the specifics of designing illustrative images of 3D characters for children's publications, as well as serve as theoretical and practical material for the training of design specialists and for writing scientific papers.


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How to Cite

Golovachuk, I., & Vorobchuk, M. (2025). SPECIFIC DESIGN OF ILLUSTRATIVE IMAGES OF 3D CHARACTERS FOR CHILDREN’S PUBLICATIONS. Theory and Practice of Design, (34), 237–244. https://doi.org/10.32782/2415-8151.2024.34.27

