


customization, designer, client, artistic image, batik, artistic textile painting, individuality, clothing, 3D arms, stamping, cold batik, woven batik.


The global trend of current fashion, which is rapidly growing and mass individualization, is spurring the creative industries to explore new ways of implementing their ideas. The dominance of individual taste and self-presentation through designer speech is increasingly becoming relevant. Considering customization as a concept, in general, it means the creation of a special product for a narrow group of people; mass production of a small number of products to the satisfaction of buyers; The existence of individual one-time agreements or, in other words, a marketing technique to get buyers to buy a product, the authors of the article say that the principles of customization, as practiced designers advocate, are regarded as creative methods. Customizing clothing can bring cost-effective benefits, including higher selling prices, gaining new customers, eliminating the need for ready-made inventory, and increased customer satisfaction. All this contributes to increased profitability and competitiveness of companies. The aim of the research is to characterize the techniques of different types of batik and their synthesis, to reveal the principles of traditional and traditional batik in the design of everyday clothing. Research methodology. The robot has a comprehensive and systematic approach. The investigation of the history of various batik techniques and the processes of its creation was based on an interdisciplinary approach and a consistent analysis of scientific historical, cultural and mystical sources. Theoretical and systemic-historical approaches have made it possible to trace the evolution of modern technology in clothing design. The method of figurative-stylistic analysis was stagnated until the peculiarities of batik images were developed. Therefore, an objectively established practice has been established to support the synthesis of various batik techniques by current designers, as a conceptual guide directly into design practice. Results. Conducting research based on the analysis of the essential characteristics of the product makes it possible to strengthen the main types of customizations and to highlight the peculiarities of their interactions. The article reveals that the types of customizations are rich and require a strong classification. It was also revealed that there are different types of artistic painting of the finished garment, and they are universal. It is shown that people who want to be seen and seen individually will require unique speech. And one of the ways to achieve this is to customize your hand or buy a ready-made virus. It has been analyzed and revealed that designers use this method of creating their conceptual images through imagination to self-expression. Apparently, the clothes become truly individual, which makes it possible to fulfill any needs of the residents. The scientific novelty of the obtained results lies in the fact that it is first time to classify and systematize the various techniques of batik, which means the synthesis of them in the design of clothing, which theoretically creates the sense of new figurative and stylistic decision. The practical significance of the work lies in the fact that instead of the analytical part of the investigation, its main results can be used in the professional training of designers in the system of higher education in Ukraine with a method At the expense of design and artistic decisions in the process of developing a collection of fashionable clothing that corresponds to the aesthetic needs of socialites.


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How to Cite

Budiak, V., Vasylieva, M., & Malik, T. (2025). CLOTHING CUSTOMIZATION ACCORDING TO THE PRINCIPLES OF THE SYNTHESIS OF DIFFERENT TYPES OF BATIK. Theory and Practice of Design, (34), 180–188.

