church architecture, Ukrainian church architecture, architecture of the Christian West, avant-garde church architecture, architecture of the Christian East, Greek-Catholic church, Orthodox church, tradition, aesthetics, church building, form formation, canonicality, new architectural ideas, architectonics, tectonics.Abstract
Goal. To follow the peculiarities of the transformation of established Christian architectural and aesthetic traditions into the process of forming the avant-garde architecture of Christian churches of the 20th and early 21st centuries. To consider the important problems of the introduction of new building materials and technologies, the need to synthesize the traditions of church architecture with modern architectural and constructive solutions. Methodology. During the study of the formation of avant-garde church architecture of the 20th and early 21st centuries. the method of systematic analysis, synthesis and generalization of available bibliographic sources is applied; practical design and architectural and construction experience; experience of communication with customers, investors and users of temple construction objects. The results is an in-depth study of the formation of aesthetic Christian traditions of church architecture of the 20th – early 21st centuries. in the process of its creation and development. The Scientific novelty consists in a complex approach to the analysis of the combination of traditions with avant-garde forms of church architecture of the 20th – 21st centuries. in the context of the latest church architecture of Ukraine on the example of the work of the architect Larisa Skoryk. Practical significance. Cultural traditions, formed in the times of Byzantium, based on religious Christian symbolism, were embodied in the original temple architecture. Being systematic, progressive and all-encompassing, the culture of Byzantium, including architectural aesthetics, at one time invaded all of Western and later Eastern Europe, in particular Rus-Ukraine. This influence has reached our time in the form of architectural solutions of modern architects in modern Ukrainian church architecture. His research opens us to a broader understanding of the morphology of Ukrainian traditional church construction and what features of ancient architecture are absorbed by the avant-garde forms of church architecture of our time.
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