


painting, majolica, Vienna, Klimt, academy


Purpose: This article examines the influence of works of monumental and decorative art on the work of the outstanding Ukrainian artist Fedor Krychevskyi (1879–1947). Particular attention is paid to his trips abroad from 1910 to 1913, during which he had the opportunity to directly study the works of European masters, including Gustav Klimt. The goal is to analyze and determine exactly how these influences manifested themselves in Krychevsky’s work and how they shaped his artistic vision. The research methodology includes the analysis of historical documents, correspondence, archival materials and works related to the life and work of Fedor Krychevskyi. Special attention is paid to the study of his stay in the workshop of Gustav Klimt and the analysis of works that directly influenced Krychevsky. Art history approaches are also used to assess the influence of the Viennese Secession on Krychevsky’s works of art. The results of the research showed that during trips abroad, in particular, during the period of studying with Gustav Klimt, Fedor Krychevsky significantly expanded his artistic horizons and mastered the features of the Viennese Secession. This is clearly reflected in his monumental works and paintings. The works of Klimt, such as the interior paintings of the Kunsthistorisches Museum Wien, as well as a series of paintings of the auditorium of the University of Vienna, greatly influenced Krychevsky. In addition, the research revealed that Krychevsky adopted the technique of decorating facades with majolica, which was also reflected in his own works. The scientific novelty of the research lies in the identification of specific works and techniques that influenced Fedor Krychevskyi during his stay abroad. The study for the first time analyzes in detail the influence of Gustav Klimt’s works on Krychevsky and shows how these influences were reflected in his work. This gives a new understanding of the processes of artistic interaction between European artists and Ukrainian artists of the beginning of the 20th century. The practical significance of the research lies in the use of the acquired knowledge for the further study of the work of Fedor Krychevskyi and other Ukrainian artists of that period. The identified influences can be useful for art historians, teachers, students and other researchers involved in the history of art. In addition, the results of the study can be used to popularize Ukrainian art and its relationships with European art trends.


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