


architecture of the end of the 19th – beginning of the 20th century, proportions, facades, composition, architectural and decorative plastic, semantics, Kyiv


The article raises the problem of violation of the proportional construction and compositional integrity of the facades of buildings of the late 19th and early 20th centuries and the disappearance or distortion of some valuable details of the building, which destroys not only the aesthetic appearance of the facades, but also their semantic meaning, compositional and proportional structure, which is a consequence of unsuccessful repairs and renovations. The purpose of the research is a proportional analysis of the composite construction of building facades of the late 19th and early 20th centuries in Kyiv. As a result of the study, the location of the accent elements of the building in the structure of the streets of the historical center of Kyiv was revealed. The composite construction of building facades of the end of the 19th and beginning of the 20th centuries and places of concentration of individual accent elements in the composite construction of facades was studied. A proportional analysis of the composite construction of facades and individual architectural elements of the building was carried out. The application of proportional systems «golden section», the method of inscribed squares and the method of rectangles and their diagonals in the composite construction of facades and architectural details has been revealed. Accent buildings in historical styles and in the Art Nouveau style mainly have uniaxial, biaxial and triaxial composite facade construction schemes. The axes are highlighted by risalites, bay windows, attics and often changed scale and shape of windows. Symbolic decorative plastic is concentrated on the compositional axes, at the level of the first and last floors, woven into the structure of the portal. On facades in the Art Nouveau style with a two-axis facade construction scheme, symbolic decorative plastic is often located on the left compositional axis. Facades, the shape of which is close to a square, are usually built according to the method of inscribed squares. The facades, the shape of which is close to a rectangle, are built according to the golden ratio and the method of rectangles and their diagonals. The semantic meaning and regularities of the arrangement of individual architectural and decorative elements in the structure of the facades are revealed. In the future, all this will provide an opportunity for practicing architects and restorers to preserve and revive important architectural and decorative elements of building facades and the development of the historical center of Kyiv as a whole. The scientific novelty and practical significance of the research lies in the fact that for the first time the compositional structure and proportional construction of facades of the late 19th and early 20th centuries have been revealed and analyzed, which will enable architects and restorers to use these studies in the restoration and reconstruction of building facades of this period, as well as to preserve important accent elements and recreate the lost individual details of the building.


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