



reconstruction, Dresden, destruction, Second World War, Stalin’s Еmpire, baroque, GDR, Germany, Frauenkirche cathedral, royal residence Residenzschloss, Zwinger Museum-Gallery, Dresden State Theater Staatsschauspiel


The article analyzes the stages and directions of reconstruction of the German city Dresden after its destruction at the end of the Second World War. Such studies are currently relevant, because they allow us to draw certain conclusions about the effectiveness of the directions in which European cities were rebuilt in the last century, which is especially important for Ukraine, on whose territory a large number of settlements will need to be rebuilt after the end of the Russian-Ukrainian war. According to the literature, including the stories of scientists who researched this topic, and eyewitnesses, as well as media materials, the article briefly characterizes the peculiarities of pre-war Dresden, describes the prerequisites and scale of its destruction, and also considers two stages of reconstruction – the post-war one, which began with the restoration residential buildings and construction “from a blank sheet” in the style of the “Stalin Empire”, and the reconstruction of the 90s – 2000s, during which the city was returned to its baroque architecture and the most famous sights were restored – the Frauenkirche cathedral, the royal residence Residenzschloss, Zwinger Museum-Gallery, Dresden State Theater (Staatsschauspiel) and the Academy of Arts. At the same time, according to some researchers of Dresden, the city, although it has become very attractive for tourists, still does not live a full life, because it lacks comfort for residents and urban infrastructure. The article also emphasizes the role of local residents in the restoration of the city, which consisted both in the direct dismantling of the ruins, in the preservation of the surviving parts of old buildings and mechanisms, and in general in the return of Dresden to its original appearance. The purpose of the article: to evaluate and analyze the stages and directions of the reconstruction of Dresden after the Second World War. Methodology: a literature review was conducted and a comparison of the two stages of the reconstruction of Dresden was made, and the role of local residents in the reconstruction was summarized. Scientific novelty: for the first time, an assessment of the ways of reconstruction of Dresden and the role of local residents in it was carried out.


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How to Cite

Synelnyk, M., & Gnatiuk, L. (2023). DRESDEN RECONSTRUCTION: TRIALS AND ERRORS. Theory and Practice of Design, (28), 71–83. https://doi.org/10.32782/2415-8151.2023.28.8

