


landscape design, comfort zone, landscaping, plants, integrity, ecological competence, ecological culture, ecological condition, human balance, socialization


The article is devoted to the study of the creation of a comfortable environment taking into account the individual characteristics of a person and the active position of preserving the ecological state of the environment during the creation of landscape design. The relationship between society and nature provides a transformation of environmental consciousness and activity, which increases environmental education through the formation of culture. Environmental education and culture are factors in the formation and understanding of modern ecological problems, a responsible attitude to the environment and nature. The main types of greening on roofs and roofs, which is a solution to the inseparable unity between a set of knowledge, ideas, emotional-sensual relations based on the harmonization of the “nature - man” system, have been studied. Attention is focused on the selection of plants in accordance with the creation of architecture and design for each of the proposed types. The influence of ecological education on the consciousness of the individual in the process of its formation, the formation of worldview and personal development during the creation of ecological culture is evaluated. The relationship between the balance of a person’s condition and ecological upbringing and attitude to the surrounding world, the influence of the interaction of society and nature, and the consequences of interference with nature are analyzed. The peculiarities of creating landscape design in densely populated cities, which contribute to the expansion of the ways of human influence on the environment, the formation of ecological thinking, worldview and ethics, beliefs of a responsible attitude to nature, were studied. The relevance of the article lies in the fact that by giving examples of creating landscape design on limited areas of space, combined with the creation of a comfortable environment, we will be able to explain the dynamics of preserving the ecological state of the environment. The object of the study is green design in densely populated cities, taking into account the environmental and health component. The subject of research is the use of plants in accordance with the creation of existing types of landscaping.

Author Biography

Oksana Kosyk, Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv

Аssociate Рrofessor, PhD


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How to Cite

Rozhko, Y., & Kosyk, O. (2023). LANDSCAPE DESIGN IS AN ECOLOGICAL AND HEALTH COMPONENT OF MODERNITY. Theory and Practice of Design, (27), 213–220.

