The value of real estate design
design, real estate, the relationship between design and the real estate market, psychological impact, insightful influence, space, environment, buildings, places of common use, construction, real estate market, cityAbstract
The article considers the role of design in creating a high-quality environment, which, in turn, improves the quality of life in cities.
Goal. Determine the value of design in real estate. Investigate the integration of design into real estate development, the psychological and insightful impact of real estate on users and the overall contextual space in which it exists.
Methodology. Using the methods of comparative analysis of world practice, we will explore the qualitative aspects of design that are included in the real estate market.
Results. We live in a world that is a mixture of real and virtual space. We have a wide choice when we decide how to use our time, how to communicate and where to buy what we want and what we need. There is fierce competition for our attention and money. If you do not develop a composition, one appeal to rational, logical and functional needs is not enough. When the places we create are disliked or unattractive, they will attract fewer people.
Scientific novelty. How do builders differ from each other, creating enough attractiveness for buyers? The post-recession industry has not yet realized this. Part of the reason is that in the past, good design of both buildings and places was not a necessity for success. Contextual planning and design were not the norm. In the new market, we need to create places that distract us, where we thrive.
Practical significance. The real estate market is constantly fluctuating and changing. Thus, property owners seek a high return on their investment. They use value-based pricing. Sellers adjust their assets so that they can set a higher price. They are constantly improving the appearance, functionality and durability of their assets, so they will be valued later.
Keywords: design; real estate; the relationship between design and the real estate market; psychological impact; insightful influence; space; environment; buildings; places of common use; construction; real estate market; city.
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