The circle as an element of formation


  • Олена Ігорівна Сідорова Національний авіаційний університет, м. Київ, Україна
  • Андрій Юрійович Москальцов Національний авіаційний університет, м. Київ, Україна
  • Марія-Юлія Андріївна Сідорова Національний авіаційний університет, м. Київ, Україна



formation, circle, square, opposites, balance, design, symbolism, interiors, energy, psychological features, individuality, compositional decisions, emotional component


Man and his home mutually influence each other. Interiors and private houses are considered in the article as original portraits of their authors and, to a large extent, as a portrait of the era. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to identify the main elements of the formation of modern interiors and private homes and study their semantics. And since the main elements of the formation of modern interiors and private houses were the circle and its satellites - in the future the subject of the study were the compositional, semantic and energy features of the circle and its satellites.Recent publications highlight the features of the use of different styles in interiors, innovative technologies in interior design, explore various methods of interior renovation, but the circle and its satellites, as elements of modern interiors, their semantics and energy features have not been studied. The revealed tendency to use the shape of a circle in the three-dimensional architecture of modern private houses and interiors is connected with global tendencies in society. Understanding the causal links between the elements of the formation of modern interiors and private homes with social phenomena and moods will predict the current challenges in the near future in society and architecture, including certain trends that will appear and are already appearing in the architecture of the era Aquarius.Based on a study of the works of modern designers and architects, the main elements of form formation in the design of interiors, architectural structures and recreational areas created in recent years have been identified. During the study it was found that the main element of the formation of space and volumes is a circle and its satellites combined with squares and rectangles. And the circle and its derivatives are the main characters of the composition, and the squares and rectangles play the role of the background and minor characters. The distribution and direction of energies in round and curvilinear rooms are studied. Recommendations for the use of round rooms are given. The semantics of the circle, which means infinity, spirit, perfection and eternity, are considered. It is emphasized that there is always feedback between the person and the interior. They always mutually influence each other. The interiors are seen, to a large extent, as a portrait of the era. A circle and a square or rectangle are represented as opposites, symbols of the spiritual and the material, the masculine and the feminine, light and darkness. Opposites must be balanced. If the balance is disturbed - there is a change of eras, change of tasks, change of forms, change of styles. The recent dominance in the architecture and design of the circle means the aggravation of spiritual problems, the intensification of the tasks of the Aquarius era: the strengthening of the collective egregore, the pursuit of unity, harmonious relations with all people, with nature, with the universe.

Author Biographies

Олена Ігорівна Сідорова, Національний авіаційний університет, м. Київ, Україна

Старший викладач кафедри дизайну інтер’єру

Андрій Юрійович Москальцов, Національний авіаційний університет, м. Київ, Україна

Старший викладач кафедри дизайну інтер’єру


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