Color in the interior design of the elementary classes
Elementary grades, Color scheme, School environment, Classroom interior design, Students' color preferences, The effect of color on the child, Emotional coloring of the space, Color design, Focuses on color use in the classroom, Examples of color paletteAbstract
The article is about the problem of color design of school interiors for elementary classes. The analysis of the psychological and physiological effects of color for younger students and the definition of a suitable color scheme in the design of elementary grades is a topical trend of the present and requires deep research. The article revealed and revealed the color preferences of children aged 6 to 10 years (elementary school students). The characteristic features of the physiological, optical and psychological influence of certain colors on schoolchildren, and in particular, on the age category of primary school children, are outlined. In the analysis of these features found that the colors chosen by children (red, purple, pink - orange, yellow - yellow-green, green) are bright, warm and active, positively affecting both the emotions and physical condition of children. The main focuses of the use of color in the design of the elementary class interior are outlined. These include: structural elements of the environment - walls, floor, ceiling window openings; and furniture, equipment, board, stands. Recommendations for the use of color in classroom interiors are analyzed. It has been found that providing a psychological and visually harmonious color solution for the elementary class interior is not formed on the basis of the recommendation. The most suitable color scheme is offered and directions for best use in the interior design of primary classes.
Keywords: elementary grades, color scheme, school environment, classroom interior design, students' color preferences, the effect of color on the child, emotional coloring of the space, color design, focuses on color use in the classroom, examples of color palette, harmonious school environment, design of the school environment.References
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