The scale of the modern buildings of the hotel and restaurant business of the Crimean Tatars


  • S. Privolneva Національний авіаційний університет, м. Київ



Scale, composition, shaping, architectural environment, volume, space, interior design, Crimean Tatars, hotel and restaurant business.


The article analyzes the scale in the composition of modern buildings of the hotel and restaurant business of the Crimean Tatars. Scale is one of the basic compositional means of forming a certain artistic image of a space-spatial form, in particular, the exterior and interior, as well as creating an ensemble, establishing the compositional links of a building with the environment (architectural or natural) and with man. The use of architectural scale in the composition of modern buildings of the hotel and restaurant business of the Crimean Tatars allowed to achieve the desired degree of significance of architectural forms and interior space (regardless of the physical size of buildings), to emphasize the main elements (without increasing their physical volumes). An important component of the scale characteristics of the Muslim interior and exterior are fountains. The large volume of some fountains has increased the importance of the surrounding space; small-scale fountains accentuated small spaces. The study of the meaning of easel and decorative art for the formation of interior space has allowed to assert that they also affect the large-scale characteristics of the interior. To a large extent, the properties of building materials (limestone of various densities) and the imitation of old wooden structures also affect the scale characteristics of the building. The exact scale of the architectural structures of the hotel and restaurant business determined their artistic image, made them suitable for a person, with an appropriate scale of the architectural ensemble and natural environment.


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How to Cite

Privolneva, S. (2018). The scale of the modern buildings of the hotel and restaurant business of the Crimean Tatars. Theory and Practice of Design, (15), 138–148.


