Features of using monochrome in interior design


  • I. Kuznetsova НТУУ «КПІ ім. Ігоря Сікорського»
  • A. Geger Київський національний університет будівництва і архітектури
  • O. Lilchicky Національна академія образотворчого мистецтва і архітектури
  • I. Gumenyuk Національний авіаційний університет, м. Київ




Monochrome, design, interior, space, composition elements, color, tone, tint, monotony, decor, contrast.


In this article the features of monochrome use in interior design were explored. The information that you need to know when designing a monochome interior was clarified. It is worth using a variety of surfaces. They can be smooth and rough, matte and glossy, flat and relief surfaces. In the full composition of the monochrome interior, there must be an alternation of equal elements with bulky and 3D finishes, the use of contrasting accents in the form of elements or individual objects. The monochrome interior should combine the shades of one color tone and the division of space into separate zones. This can be done through the shades of the main color. A monochrome interior can look differently and influence a person in a different way. People may feel positive or negative emotions. The design of a room may have a different base color tone - light or dark. Interiors, made in light colors, visually expand the room and create a cozy atmosphere. On the other hand, the dark and cool monochrome interiors narrow visually. Neutral and contrasting decor elements should be used in a light and dark room. Based on the analysis of two hundred projects, it is defined which elements of the composition are most often traced in monochrome interiors. They are a straight line (68%), a structure (57%) and a texture (43%). Horizontal lines provide serenity, stability and expand space. Vertical lines create an interior balanced and visually higher. The structure, which is represented on various elements of interior design, will give the interior a depth and attraction. The texture is one of the main elements when designing a monochrome interior. When selecting the texture, you need to combine different materials. They can be natural - artificial or natural stones; rough - linen fabrics, wicker furniture; soft - carpets and others. The combination of textures contrasts will make the interior cozy and not boring. In combination of these three composite elements, the monochrome interior gets the features of appeal, expediency and looks stylistically advanced in the modern design.


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How to Cite

Kuznetsova, I., Geger, A., Lilchicky, O., & Gumenyuk, I. (2018). Features of using monochrome in interior design. Theory and Practice of Design, (15), 87–96. https://doi.org/10.18372/2415-8151.15.13471


