
  • Л.В. Броннікова Чорноморський національний університет ім. Петра Могили



science, knowledge, big data, digital data, epistemology, information technology


Introduction. The article deals with the problems of using information and communication technologies in science at the beginning of the XXI century. The image of science in the information society is changing. Being a product of scientific activity, information technologies begin to significantly influence both the process of its implementation and the main goal - the production of new knowledge. Scientists are interested in the phenomenon of big data in an epistemological and heuristic aspect. The aim and tasks is the comprehension of the capabilities of the big data technology (BD) in the effective search for reliable knowledge. The problem is the quality of digital data, their coherence, utility and methods of storage. There was even a science about data, which is a set of knowledge and skills necessary to extract knowledge. Research methods. The methodological basis for this study is philosophical and general scientific methods, as well as systemic and synergistic approaches. Research results. Philosophy and sociology of science consider the database as a new approach, as an attempt to replace the traditional scientific paradigm, which involves the nomination and verification of a hypothesis. As the analysis of the literature shows, researchers reject the idea of the "end of theory". Discussion. At the same time, the BD technology is not a general scientific methodology, but has a specific application in the social and humanities sciences, as well as in biomedical research, atomic and nuclear physics. Conclusion. The novelty of the big data for science lies in the methods, infrastructure, technologies and methods of data processing. Philosophers, together with specialists in the IT field, are trying to comprehend new problems that arise in the scientific and technical sphere. Thus, there is a transformation of the methodological consciousness of scientists

Author Biography

Л.В. Броннікова, Чорноморський національний університет ім. Петра Могили

доцент кафедри соціології


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