Lines with controlled curvature constructed means of mathematical package MAPLE


  • L. M. Kutsenko National University of Civil Protection of Ukraine
  • V. F. Chelombitko Kharkiv National University of Radio Electronics



Curves with the guided curvature, classic curvature, law of curvature change, elastiques of euler, maple.


The method of description and construction of curves is considered on a plane, the curvature calculated with a positive degree is included in natural equations of that.

Author Biographies

L. M. Kutsenko, National University of Civil Protection of Ukraine

Kutsenko L.M., d.n.t., Professor National University of Civil Protection of Ukraine

V. F. Chelombitko, Kharkiv National University of Radio Electronics

Chelombitko V.F. Kharkiv National University of Radio Electronics, Ukraine


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