Design – aspects of preparation of experts of the program direction


  • E. A. Glibko National Technical University "XIII"
  • M. A. Maksimova National Technical University "XIII"



Computer graphics, web–design, composition bases, art styles, the raster and vector drawing, virtual modeling.


The features of structure of the design focused course created for students of a program educational direction are shined in work. Use of modern computer technologies at creation of graphic making production of advertising character is considered. Examples of thematic student's works, executed in the virtual environment are resulted.

Author Biographies

E. A. Glibko, National Technical University "XIII"

Glibka O.A., PhD. Tech. Science, National Technical University "XIII", Ukraine

M. A. Maksimova, National Technical University "XIII"

Maximov M.A., PhD. Tech. Science, National Technical University "XIII", Ukraine


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How to Cite

Glibko, E. A., & Maksimova, M. A. (2012). Design – aspects of preparation of experts of the program direction. Theory and Practice of Design, (1), 16–20.


