
  • Наталія Максимівна Василишина Національний авіаційний університет
  • Тетяна Сергіївна Скирда Національний авіаційний університет




innovative, foreign language, communicative competence, technologies, presentations, approaches and methods, dictionaries, digital age


The article presents the results of the theoretical analysis of the formation of foreign language communicative competence in the process of professional training of modern applicants for higher education in the digital age. The objective of the study. The aim of the study was to consider innovative trends in the organization of foreign language education, in particular English-language education in the context of digitalization as a means of modernizing the training of students.

A review of the classical operational and methodological tools of foreign language education allowed to identify significant shortcomings in the formation of foreign language competencies. Methods. During the study  the research philosophy, research approach, methods of data collection, sampling and ethical considerations application methods were applied. Results. The findings of the study showed that the use of presentations, information and communication technologies, dictionaries will contribute to the effectiveness of professional training, especially English preparatory part. It is worth noting that the stages of involvement, training and active work of the three-stage method of organizing English classes will contribute to the modernization of the educational process in higher education institutions of Ukraine. Conclusions. We came to the conclusions that the introduction of digital technologies requires a completely new rethinking of the functioning of higher education: until now, our ideas about education were based on the norms and values ​​of the twentieth century. In this way, students are prepared for the challenges of the past, not for the new challenges of a society that is undergoing constant change. However, young people must be prepared for their future intellectually and emotionally as well as under the right conditions. Digitalization is fundamentally changing our global society at all levels. Just one look at the rapid development of artificial intelligence gives an idea of ​​what awaits us in the near future.

It has been proven that audio and visual perception of information, experiments and verification of using digital technologies diversify classes and have a positive effect on student motivation. Thus, thanks to the digital components, individual and collective learning bring more satisfaction and the learning process becomes more visible

Author Biographies

Наталія Максимівна Василишина, Національний авіаційний університет

кандидат педагогічних наук, доцент, доцент кафедри іноземних мов Факультету міжнародних відносин

Тетяна Сергіївна Скирда, Національний авіаційний університет

кандидат педагогічних наук, старший викладач кафедри іноземних мов Факультету міжнародних відносин


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