
  • Е. Н. Сідоркіна Національний авіаційний університет



man, Robinsonade, individual, social being, social life, social relations, social experience


Introduction. The phenomenon of Robinsonade has arisen in its classical form since the beginning of the New Time and for a long time has been a subject of attention both in science and in the field of art. The adventurous nature of the genre contributes into the topic popularity in fiction. The vicissitudes of human existence in the context of forced temporary isolation from society are the subject of artistic, cultural, historical, economic, psychological and philosophical studies. The aim and tasks. Considering the already existing studies of this issue, a special interest is the special selection and study of the philosophical aspects of the phenomenon of Robinsonade primarily as a social phenomenon, in which understanding of a person as an individual carrier of the entire set of social relations finds its disclosure. Research methods. The methodological basis of the study is the dialectic of the interaction of the individual and the social in a human being under the conditions of its isolated being, as well as the theoretical propositions of various concepts of the essence of man. Research results. For the socio-philosophical understanding of the phenomen of Robinsonade, the time of its occurrence, which falls on the period of the New History, is important, which is quite natural, since it was during this period that the level of socio-economic development of European society allowed to intellectually understand and comprehend this phenomenon, to show it in its entirety. Robinsonade as a social phenomenon is most clearly manifested in two aspects: the reflection of the symbolic picture of social development in the process of using the acquired social experience and in self-reflection, intense mental activity, including in the case of communication with the supernatural. Discussion. In the conditions of isolation, a person brings acquired individual and social experience, eliminates the possibility of the existence of a completely isolated individual as a human being. It is in this sense that the notion of a person is revealed, which provides for another person (people) as an obligatory condition and when a human entity acts as a product of activity interaction with a socio-historical whole, within the framework of which its objectification takes place. Conclusion. The phenomenon of classical Robinsonade (in D. Defoe’s tradition) is a social phenomenon, the occurrence of which is natural and has a specific historical character. This understanding is based on the relationship between the individual and the collective (social) in man’s essential nature.

Author Biography

Е. Н. Сідоркіна, Національний авіаційний університет

Доцент кафедри філософії


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