


individual, personal, social, discourse, communication, culture, modern civilization


The article examines the features of the categories "individual" and "personal" in the context of the phenomenon of modern social being. The aim of the study is to analyze the relationship between the individual and the personal as anthropological foundations of the being of society. Research methodology consists of philosophical and anthropological, social and philosophical, scientific and systemic approaches, and cognitive attitudes of hermeneutics. Research results. Traditionally the categories of "individual" and "personal" were considered as problems of philosophical anthropology, and the category of "social" as a fundamental term of social and philosophical discourse. However, understanding the social as a communicative process changes the status of these categories. In this case, the social is interpreted both as "public", but also as "common", "shared", "compatible" (in the aspect of the "I" – "the Other" relationship). Discussion. The works of H. Arendt, M. Buber, L. Drotianko, J. Habermas, E. Husserl, R. Debreu, N. Elias, V. Lukyanets, K. Pigrov, A. Repa, S. Sinjakov, T. Shorina, K. Jaspers and others were of scientific interest. The types of communication that determine the general position of a person as one among others, the relationship between the individual and the social in the aspect of understanding the dialogical nature of human existence were analyzed. Conclusions. The formation of social reality is determined by relations between people and at the same time it is independent of them. While human existence transcends social being, it remains inseparable from it. Hence, at the communicative level of understanding society, we are talking not so much about the functioning of traditional social institutions (science, law, state, civil society, etc.). Instead, the focus shifts to such a "common" as the life world and such an "institution" as culture. In this case, we refer to the environment of interpersonal interaction, communication, and dialogue occurring "here" and "now," where individuals engage creatively within the framework of social and philosophical traditions


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