scientific communications, Internet communications, personal knowledge, electronic journal, interpersonal communication, information and communication technologiesAbstract
Today, due to the emergence of new forms of scientific communication, individual and social characteristics of the cognitive subject have become an integral part of the results of scientific inquiry. The aim and tasks are to study the influence of individual and social factors on the latest forms of scientific communications. Research methods. In the course of the study, the systemic approach is supplemented with synergistic and dialectical approaches, as the process of the development of scientific knowledge is dialectical in nature. The comparative method is used to examine the dynamics of changes in the system of scientific communications and their impact on the outcomes of scientific inquiry. Research results. Nowadays, as communication has largely moved into the realm of virtual reality, the use of new forms of Internet communication for the exchange of scientific information has its own peculiarities. This means that online interactions reflect a new quality of informational and subject-object relations, largely shaped by the language of social networks, which often includes slang, abbreviations, acronyms, and emojis to compensate for the absence of non-verbal cues. However, no matter how convenient virtual communication is, live interaction cannot be fully replaced by it. Discussion. Distinguishing between the two main levels of functioning of scientific communication systems-informational and social-is a purely theoretical research abstraction and, as a rule, is not implemented in its pure form in practice. In specific studies, both aspects are usually present, although the emphasis is generally placed on one of them. To characterize scientific communications, classification criteria are used, which, in the context of the emergence of new virtual forms of communication, can already be considered traditional, such as "formal and informal communication," "oral and written communication," "interpersonal and impersonal communication," "direct and mediated communication," and so on. Conclusions. Contrary to the widespread belief that changes in the process of scientific knowledge caused by the emergence of information technologies and new forms of communication render modern science "faceless," the role of the personal factor in it does not diminish
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