language of communication, moral consciousness, religious consciousness, moral and ethical norms, traditions, ethics, morality, social communication, models of language-communication relations, harmony, humanism, social developmentAbstract
Introduction. The concept of morality, moral and ethical norms is a component of social-communicative relations, a part of the spiritual sphere. Any communication act is based on a certain system of values, moral principles. Тhere is a transformation of the role and meaning of language and communication ties in society needed to be studied. The aim of the article is to consider the philosophical aspects of the interrelationship of the moral-ethical component of social-communicative relations and the linguistic context as a way of their implementation as an element of the social system in the context of current social challenges. Research methods are the theoretical basis of the dialectical approach in terms of the analysis of the nature of contradictions and ways of solving them, and ethics in the interpretation of moral consciousness as a subject - subject relations, the interaction of different levels of moral consciousness, the principles of the systemic approach. Research results. The modern stage of the development of the value system is undergoing transformations that consist, on the one hand, in a departure from moral ideas and pragmatic and scientific thinking, an increase in the importance of the internal problems of individual human existence based on various existentialist and personalist ideas with a noticeable influence of pessimistic forms of worldview. On the other hand, we can observe a growing dualistic gap between the actual state of social morality at the everyday-practical level of moral consciousness and its theoretical-systemic level, which formulates the main principles of abstract moral obligation. Discussion. The formation of a complementary model of language-communicative social relations in the conditions of the transformation of the language environment as a means of communication is based on the key provisions of the unity of opposites and contradictions from the point of view of the presence of positive potential for development. Conclusion. Тhe modern moral and ethical component of social communications is a certain spiritual system that includes basic and related categories of ethics. The constructive side of moral and ethical aspects of modern socio-communicative relations consists in the manifestation of features of humanitarianism and solidarity with respect to the observance of general principles of individual and collective behavior.
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