


media culture, language of communication, culture of communication, communicative practices, informatization of society, information and communication technologies


Introduction. Substantiates the relevance of the research topic. M. McLuhan's "Understanding Media" is analyzed for its foundational contribution to the study of language transformations in media culture. The aim and tasks. The aim is to outline the features of the transformation of the language of communication in various phenomena of modern media culture associated with the use of the latest information and communication technologies. Research methods are sociocultural and axiological methodological approaches, as well as methods of cultural-semantic analysis, hermeneutics, and dialogicity of philosophical points of view. Research results. Significant changes in the transformation of language in various communicative practices of media culture, which are caused by the emergence of the latest electronic means of communication at the end of the 20th and the beginning of the 21st centuries, are analyzed. Special attention is paid to changes in traditional means of language, as well as the emergence of the latest forms and types of audio-video production of modern media culture, which are not based on traditional language, but on the use of images, smileys, emoticons, simulacra, etc. Peculiarities of metaphor use in modern communication practices of media culture are investigated separately. In the discussion, the points of view of foreign and domestic researchers on the transformation of the language of modern media culture/cyber culture, which occurred due to the introduction of modern information and communication technologies in various communicative practices, are analyzed. In the conclusions, the main characteristics of those transformations that take place in modern media culture are outlined. It is shown that the emergence of new types and forms of electronic mass culture, such as Internet communication, video games, music videos, interactive TV programs, etc., leads not only to the formation of new sign and symbolic systems but also to a dangerous deformation of the language of communication in various social practices of information era.


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