civilization, culture, dialogue, identity, modernity, society, politics, economy, values, features, interaction, confrontationAbstract
Introduction. The article examines one of the most urgent problems of modern Ukraine - its place and importance in the world
community, and the dynamics of Ukrainian society, both in the external and internal aspects of its functioning. The aim and main
task are to analyze the processes of formation and interaction of civilizational identities, as well as to reveal the image of
"otherness" in the context of civilizational interaction and its illumination in the mass consciousness. The research methodological
basis was the works of representatives of German classical philosophy, and the works of modern and postmodern thinkers. To
identify the real place of Ukraine in the political, economic, military, and cultural terms of Modernity, the formational and civilizational
approaches are completed by a dialogical approach. The research result is the conclusion that the dialogue between civilizations is
the only possible way for the existence of Mankind. Dialogue is perceived as a constant interaction between different civilizations
based on respect and mutual understanding. At the same time, a differentiation was between the concepts of "culture" and
"civilization". The first concept is an internal feature of society, and the second is its external characteristic. The discussion shows
that in modern conditions, the status and need for researchers, who are able to create constructive ideas and concepts for the
development of an original Ukrainian identity and the preservation of Ukrainian civilizational values naturally increase. “Other” is a
concept, a phenomenon that has a long history. As one of the main categories of ontology, the “other” is the subject of attention of
researchers at different stages of the development of philosophy. The main conclusion is that economic, and sociocultural
development raises the problem of specificity and identification of the state to a new level of complexity. Each country should have
the opportunity of free choice of civilizational development. However, the manifestation of individuality for different civilizations is
specific, therefore, one cannot copy someone's experience, and it only needs will take into account. Ukraine can only exist as a systemic state, with its tight control over the economy. However, in any case, it faces tasks that are not ideological clichés, but
common for the development of any civilization, installations. The future of Ukraine is connected with its constant movement,
through post-industrial development, the realization of basic, civilizational rights and freedoms of citizens.
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