Overdetermination And Heteroglossia In American Postsituationism
heteroglossia, overdetermination, postsituationism, ontological anarchism, watsonism, symbolic culture, agricultural cultureAbstract
Introduction. The article is devoted to concepts that justify the ontological essence of the impossibility of strict determination - this is «heteroglossia» introduced by M. Bakhtin and the philosophically sound Sigmund Freud’s concept of «overdetermination» by Louis Althusser. The aim and tasks. The aim of the study is to place the concepts of «heteroglossia» and «overdetermination» in the context of American postsituationism to establish, first of all, relations of identity-difference and other dialectic categories. Research methods. The main research tools are the dialectic categories of «identity» and «difference», with which «heteroglossia» and «overdetermination» can be analyzed. Postsituationism was chosen as the object of the study, one can trace not only the very clear connection of his political involvement with the ontological project being formulated, but also dialectically, in terms of «overdetermination» and «heteroglossia», to outline the relations of identity and differences between them. Research results. This article actualizes these concepts for subsequent research and introduces a multivector academic novelty: it attempts to dialectically analyze «heteroglossia» and «overdetermination», with their help it allows us to analyze and systematize postsituationism and solves the problem of avoiding the logic of identities, formulated by Adorno. Discussion. Despite the colossal philosophical significance and the heuristic potential of “overdetermination” and “heteroglossy,” these concepts remain undeservedly unused, staying beyond certain comparisons and analogies. The same applies to situationalist / post-situationalist developments: even when exploring everyday life, philosophers avoid situationalism, which methodologically developed criticism of the structure of everyday life. Conclusion. American postsituationism is a relevant area for the analysis of such concepts as «heteroglossia» and «overdetermination». «Heteroglossia» is limited by the scope of the language originally defined by it, «overdetermination» has an ontological status. The orthodox understanding of «heteroglossia» implies an attempt to go beyond the boundaries of linguistics through the heterogeneity of the linguistic apparatus. Hakim Bey tries to go beyond the boundaries of linguistics through poetic methods of language. J. Black modernly uses heteroglossia as a strategy for the formation of a overdetermined subject, it is part of the general. Zerzan’s heteroglossia is the opposite of overdetermination and identical to subdetermination, while with the clear role of language as a means of «domestication» («primacy of the language is the end of the subject»).References
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