
  • О. І. Кравченко Національний авіаційний університет



globalization, city, cultural transformations, post-industrial society


Introduction. At the turn of the XX-XXI centuries, the informatization of society was superimposed on the processes of globalization of all spheres of life, which greatly intensified the cultural transformations of the modern city. The aim and the tasks involve the analysis of the modern stage of society's development rightfully called the times of large cities: agglomerations, metropolises, superstitions, alpha cities become the main players on the map of great politics, business, culture, science. The variety of terms describing the types of major cities is an indicator that reflects the ambiguity and complexity of understanding this phenomenon in the humanities, as well as the diversity of approaches in its study. Research methods. From the point of view of social constructivism, the construct, expressed in concrete words, based on one or another definition, has a decisive influence on the process of building a social reality, largely asking for the dynamics of development, as well as ways of solving social problems. Research results. However, global cities clearly reflect the contradictions "global - local": they are involved in the global economic system, they exclude local populations from that become functionally superfluous. Along with the widespread approaches to the study of the characteristics of large cities, today the concept of "creative cities" – cities that especially attract creative people who develop innovative trends in society at the global and regional levels – is especially highlighted. Currently, this name is becoming a new trend, which allows, first of all, global cities with a rich history to overcome the systemic crisis. Discussion. The main factor in the transformation of a creative city is the development of art and the creative environment. World cities were more receptive to creativity, and therefore, more attractive for creative individuals. Conclusion. Despite the growing role of global cities in the Information Society, the significance of the global city is defined as follows: the global city accumulates all socio-cultural processes and determines the dynamics of socio-cultural development, the change of the world space in the centripetal direction, as well as the nature of this dynamics, which increases from the periphery to the centre. The distinction of a modern city from the cities of past epochs is that it has neighbours and competing local and transit (global) functions. Their dialectics is that local functions, such as unique cultural and historical treasures, a specific urban landscape and institutions that support their functioning and protection, are increasingly united across the country, region and world with socio-cultural ties and relevant communication systems. Today, the metropolises are the nodal points on the world map, where global processes and networks that carry them realize their connection with their geographically fixed functional systems. That is, some cannot exist without others. Moreover, these two structural and functional elements of the global whole support and develop one another.

Author Biography

О. І. Кравченко, Національний авіаційний університет

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Cultural Studies